Samsung Building 128GB Flash Memory Chips For Next Year’s Superphones


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There might just be a 128GB memory option when it comes to upgrading to the Galaxy S4 next year or the S5 the year after, thanks to Samsung now mass producing 128GB memory chips for use in mobile devices.

Samsung's newest 128GB eMMC NAND chips read data at 140MB/s and can write at up to 50MB/s, plus they're designed to fit the same slimline form factors as its current 16, 32 and 64GB memory chips.


Crazy, 128GB of internal flash memory storage on future Smartphones, and Tablets, and the read and write speeds are pretty fast as well. I guest this means there will be less of a need for External MicroSD memory cards for most people since I don't really see many people easily filling up 128GB of space on their Smartphone, or Tablet unless they record hours of HD content, or load a lot of movies on it.
I agree the casual/regular cell phone owner who only use a few apps would not need 128 GB of space.

People who play cell phone or tablet games will be able to install a hundreds of games like MMORPG, RPG, Action and adventure games on their cell phone, and Netflix or YouTube could make an option for you to save many movies and TV shows on a cell phone or tablet to playback when you don't have access to the internet.
well this will allow more games to go mobile. Like big titles like Mario and Final fantasy.
Yes, 128GB is a lot of space, so I can see game makers making larger games for mobiles when more phones have 128GB of space.

I think Final Fantasy 1-3 are already available on the iPhone, and Google Android phones. Final Fantasy series for the PSX, PS2, PSP, ettc might be available for mobiles soon since I read a topic here about Playstation Mobile which let you use Smartphones, and Tablets to play Playstation games.
I don't think it is unnecessary at all. Apple has had the 160 gb iPod Touch for the longest time and no one said shit about that space being unneeded. With many people opting to ditch their mp3 players and other devices for their smartphone, it stands to reason that these people would want bigger space on their phones to handle this additional content.

If you don't need that much space on your phone, then you don't have to buy it, but for those of us who are looking to consolidate or cut down on the number of devices they carry, then this will be a welcome change. I could definitely use the bigger space, and here's why.

I have a 16 gb Samsung Galaxy S2 that I am using a 32gb micro sd card with. I had heard so many rumors about there being a version with 32gb like with the S3, but unfortunately, it was never released as it had been determined that the cost would have been way too high because of the increased cost to produce flash memory at that capacity.

I am just about out of space because I have decided to put all of my music on to my phone and leave my mp3 player (32gb zen x-fi) for road trips.

My music collection is only 11gb in size, and I don't put movies on my phone because I have Netflix and even then, I use that on my tablet only. However, between the apps I have installed to my sd card, because my phones internal memory is partitoned and I only have 2gb for app storage, while the remaining space is used for app data and media storage which is where my camera saves pics and video by default.

The space on my phone is STILL partitioned even though I am running ICS 4.0.4 and the space on my tablet isn't and it is running the same version.

Also, there is the fact that I take full-res pictures and video with my phones' 8mpx camera, because although I have a brand new 16.1 mpx camera, I don't always carry it on me unless I am on vacation, or somewhere where I know I'll be taking pictures. Otherwise, I use my phone since it is always with me.

I have my downloads saved to my SD card this way it will be easier for me to locate and move to my computer. I rarely run torrents but when I did they are saved to my sd card as well.

Between apps, music, media and downloads that doesn't leave a lot of room on my device for much else and so, that is why I and probably many others will find this to be very useful.

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I'm talking latest final fantasy games. Not the sprite ones.

I think most current phones and tablets are not fast enough to run a full-fledge RPG game like Final Fantasy 13 for consoles like the Xbox 360 or PS3, but faster phones and tablets could probably run a 3DS, PSP, and PSP Vita quality RPGs. If Square makes a version of a newer FF game for mobile then it have the space since the Xbox 360 still uses DVD which has about 9GB of space per disc, and this memory card is 128GB.