Samsung fined $340,000 over faking negative web comments about competition


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Though Samsung  said it had“ceased all marketing activities that involve the posting of anonymous comments,” the FTC – after finding Samsung indeed hired a “large number of hired writers and designated employees” to trash-talk competition in web comments – has now decided to slap the Galaxy maker with a $340,000 fine…


Wow, $340,000 is one big fine for posting fake negative web comments.
I am actually disappointed in them for doing this. It is such a bad move on their part. Their products are great and they speak for themselves.

I know plenty of people who have switched to Galaxy devices from other Android devices and even iDevices themselves. I don't know why they thought that this was a good idea.
Its really stupid to do but it seems to be a common practice nowadays to pay for positive reviews on your products and negative reviews on others. Its sort of a sham to the entire system. At least someone got caught with it, I just wish they all would stop. 
Guardian said:
Its really stupid to do but it seems to be a common practice nowadays to pay for positive reviews on your products and negative reviews on others. Its sort of a sham to the entire system. At least someone got caught with it, I just wish they all would stop.
I agree, not very smart of them.