Samsung Galaxy Pocket Google Android phone Review video


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The Samsung Galaxy Pocket looks good for people who want to upgrade from a basic flip phone to an entry level Google Android smartphone without spending hundreds of dollars for features they don't need like front facing camera, and a lot of internal storage space. I also like the size since it can be carried in a small pocket without taking up much space in a pocket.

It also has a 832 MHz CPU, 290 MB of RAM, 7GB of storage, and MicroSD of up to 32GGB : , so it is also fast enough for Angry Birds, and most Android Apps which are non-3D.

The battery life also seems pretty good for such a small device.

  • Talk Time: Up to 17Hrs (2G), 5.6 Hrs (3G)
  • Standby Time: Up to 800 Hrs (2G), 500 Hrs (3G)
That keyboard is laughable. They should have added a slide-out keyboard instead. That keyboard takes up the entire screen which means that you won't see any messages that a person sends you while you are texting back and forth, and so you'll always be a step behind them in conversation.

It's a cute phone though and the battery life is phenomenal.