Samsung Will Let Chinese Users Delete Preloaded Apps


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Android OEMs have a habit of preloading many applications on their devices which might appeal to some users but are just a source of nuisance for others because they end up taking valuable storage space, particularly on devices that don’t support external memory expansion. Samsung is quite famous for preloading multiple applications so much so that it was sued by a committee in China for this practice, the company has now said that it will allow users in China to remove these apps for good.
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This is good news for Samsung's Chinese users who want to remove pre-loaded apps.
I don't think it is right for legislation to oblige a company to build their devices in a certain way. That's censorship. As long as they respect all safety guidelines required by law and don't include any software that invades the users' privacy, I don't see why anyone would have the right to impose them how many apps they include on their devices. It's not like they are forcing anyone to buy them. There are plenty of alternative companies.
The Apps still come with the device, but now the apps need to be uninstallable by the user,

I think all smartphones, tablets, PCs, and devices should make pre-loaded apps removable since buyers should have more control over their device after they bought it,
mostly likely because the chinese gets rid of them anyways.