Other Saudi crown Prince owns 96.18% of SNK


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Read from kotaku, so Mai's PLOT is practically owned by The Saudi Crown Prince now:

Electronic Gaming Development Company (EGDC), a subsidiary of a foundation run by Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman, now owns 96.18% of Japanese developer SNK following a massive investment.

According to an announcement sent to SNK investors in February, EGDC recently acquired a majority of SNK’s shares on the South Korea stock exchange, where the King of Fighters and Samurai Shodown studio has been publicly traded since 2019.

Kotaku contacted SNK for comment but did not receive an immediate response.
I've been seeing this, what is SNK again?
Owner and creator of popular fighting game IPs The King of Fighters Samurai Shodown, and Fatal Fury. and others like Metal Slug

Mai totally against the laws in Saudi regarding on what Women can wear there lol and yet the Saudi Crown Prince owns her lol
Don't give them any censorship ideas.
Well The Fans will revolt of they censor her PLOT lol probably they will only censor the saudi Mai game version and not the international version lol