Scariest video game moments?


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Just as the topic title says, what moments scared you in video games?
I'm expecting a few posts relating to Unagi, and/or that piano in Big Boo's Haunt, and also um... Bubba (all three of which are in Super Mario 64 and Super Mario 64 DS
I can't think of anything scary personally, but then, I only play games like Yoshi's Story <____< ... oh wait... there is something scary... Inviso. IT'S LIKE.... INVISIBLE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! No wait, that's not as scary as Cloud 'N Candy... seriously, it's a BOSS... and it's SMILING? And it tastes nice???? WHAT?????? *ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum*
Pretty much all of F.E.A.R. , most of Doom 3, and this in Bioshock:

When I came to the first Regenerator in Resident Evil 4 my Wiimote's batteries died and I was stuck walking backwards in a small circle while I watched it inch closer until it killed me.
Well... My mum just turned off the power for the PS2 off at the socket and I'd just nearly completed a difficult level in Spyro Year of the Dragon... At least the game wasn't saving... I could've gotten corrupted save data! (And that means... a wasted 2 days!)

In an actual video game though? Luigi's Mansion, first time I saw Bowser's head come off. I'd heard about it but I wasn't expecting it to breathe fire at me! I thought "How the heck is that even possible??"

I think I crapped my pants as much as Luigi did that day.
Well... My mum just turned off the power for the PS2 off at the socket and I'd just nearly completed a difficult level in Spyro Year of the Dragon... At least the game wasn't saving... I could've gotten corrupted save data! (And that means... a wasted 2 days!)

In an actual video game though? Luigi's Mansion, first time I saw Bowser's head come off. I'd heard about it but I wasn't expecting it to breathe fire at me! I thought "How the heck is that even possible??"

I think I crapped my pants as much as Luigi did that day.
I crapped my pants when MKWII got a 'Error' message.
Pretty much all of F.E.A.R. , most of Doom 3, and this in Bioshock:


Oh my GOD! Thats exactly what happened to me on my first run through!

Hmmm, other then that I cant remember any games that have honestly scared me.