Schools close across rural Japan as birth rate plummets

Hentai seems to have solved the problem with hentai breeding camp lol
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Hopefully, the closed Japanese school's building and land will be repurposed for non-schooling uses like affordable housing for lower income workers, farming, or used as a library where people of all ages can borrow books, movies, and other things.
Japan does have a serious population problem, think I read somewhere they are willing to give lots of money for people to go live in the country.

They need a major shake up in the way they do things and soon.

No they're pretty anti immigrant and might chose to become irrelevant over importing lots of people . I think they should do something like what the gulf countries do and import workers but not give them citizenship. But a uniquely japanese way of solving the problem might just be to use robots and automate all that can be automated.
I feel like there's a loneliness problem if you decide to live in the country. Your resources are less convenient. However, education seems like the resource that's the most available to everyone. I feel like that's going to be the case everywhere though. With the money spent on education and the lack of young people that can afford families, there's going to be a divide like this in many places I would guess in the US too.
No they're pretty anti immigrant and might chose to become irrelevant over importing lots of people . I think they should do something like what the gulf countries do and import workers but not give them citizenship. But a uniquely japanese way of solving the problem might just be to use robots and automate all that can be automated.

That's not helping either, but their work culture is a slow strangulation on their people's life culture.
Maybe online schooling would be a better idea for Japanese schools with very few students. Teachers will also have less of a chance of being unemployed when teaching online with many students because there is less of a risk of all your students like 2 students becoming seriously ill, or moving away to another town or country which will cause teachers to have no one to teach, and lose their employment.
This is interesting to read. I didn't realize the birth rate was going down so much that they are actually having to close down schools. I do like froggyboy604 froggyboy604's idea of repurposing.