Multi Sega Planning Multiple New Sonic Games


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Read from Kotaku:


As Mario turns a positive decrepit 35, the young, sprightly (spritely?) Sonic next year celebrates his 30th birthday. And news has slipped out that Sega is planning to celebrate the anniversary with multiple new Sonic games.

It seems an advertisement was sent from Sega to investors (thanks Tails Channel) that as well as rather boldly boasting about the success of the Sonic film, went on to suggest a bumper crop of Sonic goodness for next year.
decrepit 35

You wound me @cm2, I'm even older than Mario :(
Not by any huge margin but still.
On theme of topic, I was always more of a Mario Bros fan but if they make a good Sonic game and listen to community in similar fashion as they did regarding Sonic movie, it could be a good game.
Sonic is getting a new logo: