Other Sega's New Ambassador


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Read from dualshockers on Sega's new ambassador:

On March 25, Sega revealed its new ambassador, Sega Shiro. He’s the son of Segata Sanshiro. Moreover, Sega Shiro’s actor is Maito Fujioka, the eldest son of Segata Sanshiro’s actor Hiroshi Fujioka. This is really cool for anyone who has a Saturn and who loves Sega out there.

In summary, the commercial features Sega Shiro in a hammy way answering “It’s gonna be Sega!”, when teenagers wonder what the next big thing will be.

Sega Shiro will be Sega’s ambassador for its 60th anniversary to boost the company’s representation.With Sega Shiro and his dedicated page, Sega aims to vulgarize their 60 years long history and make it more known among youngsters. Along with encouraging them for the future. The name Sega Shiro/ せが四郎 is a pun with Sega Shirou / セガ知ろう which means “Know Sega” in Japanese.
New video on the new ambassador:
Sega is trying to appeal more to today's japanese teenagers with their gaming brand.
New Video of Sega Shiro: