Sell used games?


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Anyone know a good place where I can sell some of my used games and get some decent money back? Some of the games I want to sell is Assassin's Creed Revelations, CoD black ops 2, FF 13/13-2.
If you want in store credits I am sure gamestop would give you a pretty decent chunk for the Assassins Creed and Call of Duty. The tend to like those games :P.

But if you want actual cash or anything I would not reccomemd them. Also they are not the best gamestore around but they are okay.
What's so wrong with passing by a kid's school and asking a couple of kids if they want to buy a game? >_>
FantasyFanMan said:
If you want in store credits I am sure gamestop would give you a pretty decent chunk for the Assassins Creed and Call of Duty. The tend to like those games :P.

But if you want actual cash or anything I would not reccomemd them. Also they are not the best gamestore around but they are okay.
even with in store credit it's not that good of a trade value. Also make sure you edit a post to include more text, don't double post.

Marc said:
What's so wrong with passing by a kid's school and asking a couple of kids if they want to buy a game? >_>
An old man got beat up a week ago trying to give candy to kids >_>
Demon_Skeith said:
An old man got beat up a week ago trying to give candy to kids >_>
"Old man" and "free candy".. I can see where this is going, >_>

When I used to go to school, the older kids would normally sell their YuGiOh cards and video games to us. They mostly stole stuff to sell but we didn't really care.
Demon_Skeith said:
Well in today's world, if you walk up to anyone to sell something chances are good that, they will ignore you, pepper spray you or call the cops.
If a guy comes up to you and says, "Hey man, give mah 5 bucks and ya go have this GTA5 game right here. Ah mug it from some poor fella that didn't see it comin".

What would you do? >_>
Gamestop? Or are you not from the US? If you're not, then I'm not sure, maybe some place online though. I've had the best luck with Gamestop so I haven't had to look around too much.
Recently sold 27 or so of my old games I am never going to play again (already played, have a huge backlog so won't return) for over £140. So I am decently happy with that.
Really want to sell my COC account and I have been playing this for almost 3 years. I am at my TH 11. Im still confuse to sell it or not because for sure, the prize that buyers will demand will not compensate my effort playing that game or may not be equivalent to the amount I shell out for this game neither.
For me, I am not interested to sell those games or cd's that I bought because I will treasure all of it, it is a good remembrance for me. And also any time soon whenever I want to play my games 5-10 years from now I can still play it because I treasured it. I am just hoping that the games that I bought can still use in the future.