Seraph of the End


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So for the first time ever, I pretty much powered my way through an entire 24 episode anime in less than a week. Not because it was bad, it was because it was pretty epic and I had lots of free time. Though I did say it was epic, it is mostly an anime that has a lot of great build up towards its season ending, though the seasons ending I found to be a bit lackluster but still good. I also really enjoyed the color scheme of the anime as most uniforms were made of a black and lime green, which also was used in their weapons which really worked well.

The animation was really well done with some great OST. The second season's ending always gave me shivers.

I'm sure there will be a third season for this sooner or later, just need more source material first.

Anyone watch this? I highly recommend it.
Great animation and quite an interesting plot - kept me entertained and asking questions. The relationship between two main male characters borders on yaoi (brotherly love, possessive friendship etc.), but never actually crosses that line. It is similar to old CLAMP animes in that regard. The ending of the 2nd season really wasn't enough to sum up and resolve every interesting plot element (we still do not know who the most powerful vampires are, what their plans are and what is the real role of seraphs) - I expected more there. It seems as though the 3rd season is supposed to reveal all this and I hope the studio will get the proper budget to end it in style.
It's average for me I guess. I don't know but it doesn't give a unique vibes. I know it might not trying to be one but I find it pretty normal anime. Two sides, battles, internal conflicts(some lol), and some plot twist. But you know, it's still interesting! I haven't started the sequels so maybe that's why it's quite lacking for me. Anyways I also recommend it. Entertaining. :)