Set schedule for anime watching


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Do you have a set schedule for anime?
Or you wouldn't mind binge watching something if it's too interesting?
I have a laundry list of things I have to take care of every day, and I get bored doing singular tasks for long periods of time. So bingeing is not for me.

I have a friend that’s basically the opposite, so that actually gets annoying when you recommend him shows, and “magically” he doesn’t have time to watch anime.
I have a laundry list of things I have to take care of every day, and I get bored doing singular tasks for long periods of time. So bingeing is not for me.

I have a friend that’s basically the opposite, so that actually gets annoying when you recommend him shows, and “magically” he doesn’t have time to watch anime.
That's cool ^^
I usually don't have time to binge watch anything :(
So, I can relate to that friend.
That's cool ^^
I usually don't have time to binge watch anything :(
So, I can relate to that friend.
You don’t wanna relate, because he’s lying about being busy.

He’s usually talking about how much he’s binged in a very short amount of time, on a regular basis. Though when I recommend a show to him, the tires screech and he legit asks why I think he has time to watch anime.

I watch anime when I eat, so yeah I do since I mostly have set eating schedules.