Setting a Walmart Fireworks Display on Fire


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It is the wrong thing to do. Details here
Wow, that is definitely not a good thing to do. Not that smart doing it in the middle of a store full of security cameras...
the two suspects might face upwards of 20 years in prison since this crime could be classified as a class two felony, which is just below a murder charge in severity.
WTF, America? The most they would be charged with in Europe would be property damage, which would probably give them 1 year in jail at most.
As someone who used to work beside loss prevention and security at wal-mart. I can honestl say these guys will be crucified. Wal-Mart does NOT fuck around. You can steal a 10$ item and end up paying 600$ in fines, + Court fees, + Community Service, + Jail Time, + Misdemeanor on your record. I've seen people go away for a LONG time over small things.. THIS however will NOT go over lightly. Not only was is dangerous and could have burned the store down, cost millions, etc.. the fact that they were doing it at a Wal-Mart is a death sentence.