Sharing prank programs I written with people a bad idea?


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I wrote prank program which disable the copy function by making the computer constantly copy the term "hello world" forever, so what ever you paste will be "hello world".

I also wrote another program that disables the entire desktop and prevent people from typing and using their mouse to access their files. Plus, it displays an annoying pop up window every few seconds, if the user clicks on his desktop it displays another anoying pop-up window saying something dumb.

Both programs are harmless, but annoying.

The programs can only be closed by CTRL-ALt-DeL and closing it from the task monitor, reboting the computer, or logging off your user account.

I'm not sure if I should share it with the world or not since I don't want to get in trouble if someone uses it to annoy a massive amount of people like making the programs start-up at all the computers at their school, workplace, etc that be a Epic prank, but a very costly one, too.

I'm not sure if the logic of the Sword maker not being responsible for the swords buyers sinister use of the sword applies to software.
It does, the same program that powers root kits, are used my HP printers to keep their drivers up-to-date on everyone's computers, hell, even windows update uses something of the same sort. I would honestly have a bit of fun with that, and I know its wrong, but I would. Other people might use it for a learning exp. I could think of another good use. Your average computer user don't use the task manager, so you could use it as an alternative to logging off, though I just disable my touchpad
I was thinking of turning it into a security program, so the low tech hacker (someone who secretly watch someone type in a password when logging in can't access files since the entire desktop is disabled) some people just think the mouse button is busted and my computer have a virus, and not bother turning off the invisible wall by looking in Task moniter.

I am working on a way for my program to take a picture secretely from a webcam, so the computer owner can have a picture of the intruder trying to get to their files, and can use the evidence in a Court of law.
Cool, I make it when I figure out how to make a webcam program. I found some cool script for recording sound on a program . I just need to figure out the video or picture code for my program,.
The webcam would be a very interesting feature, I'd definitely download.
If you gave it to the world, I don't think you'd be in any sort of trouble, as it does no harm to the computer. In any case, you could always claim that it was just a security program. =P
Yes, I'm hopping to look up some Visual Basic code for the webcam feature. If anyone has the code, It be greatly appreciated if you share it with me.