Short Memory


The Return
When I usually talk to people there are numerous things we talk about.
The problem I face is that people in general do not have a great memory and EASILY forget about things.

I was talking to one of my friends about the new Pokemon and its features. The next day i decided to finish the conversation and he didn't have a clue what I was talking about. I try to repeat what I had said and he still doesn't know what I'm talking about.

In math, we did a lesson one day but Mr. Boadu (our really cool Algebra 2 teacher) needed one more grade for the grading period so he decided to give us a 5 question quiz. Well almost everyone failed it (I got a 100) and what pissed me off was that we had just gone over it like 5 minutes ago.

I can easily remember things for years and it has helped me alot everyday.

What do yall think?
Well, mentioning the fact that I can recall the slightest detail from 8 or 9 years ago, I think Im good there.
Normally I rember things, but it takes me like 5 seconds if it was recent since I have better long term memory than short term.

I have no idea about my gentic history so I am not sure what will happen to me in the future. I've already been diagnoised with 7/9 symtoms for childhood depression....
I have an okay memory, but I think most people don't pay attention enough, or are day dreaming, so they don't know what is going on.
QUOTE (froggyboy604 @ December 21, 2008 06:16 pm) I have an okay memory, but I think most people don't pay attention enough, or are day dreaming, so they don't know what is going on.
its not day dreaming

the whole class is paying attention, following along, answering questions, talking and making jokes
Well, I would make a few mistakes, but take this for example.

I took a 3 hour long computer test, in 56 minutes, the max score you can get it a 170, the highest the computer teacher ever seen before I took it was a 142, I passed the test with a 169. Its a matter of paying attention, reading the question correctly, and not being a moron.
QUOTE (Stosh @ December 24, 2008 02:23 pm) Well, I would make a few mistakes, but take this for example.

I took a 3 hour long computer test, in 56 minutes, the max score you can get it a 170, the highest the computer teacher ever seen before I took it was a 142, I passed the test with a 169. Its a matter of paying attention, reading the question correctly, and not being a moron.
haha you take tests like I do