Should Apple make larger Macbooks?


Full GL Member
Apple used to make 17-inch Macbooks a few years ago, but then they discontinued them and now the biggest Macbooks available are the 15 inch ones.

Should Apple make larger Macbooks, in your opinion? Would you like to have a 18 inch Macbook?
If the price of an 18-inch Macbook is affordable, I bet, a lot of people buy one. I usually can't afford Apple products, so no, I would probably not buy one.
Apple isn't one to stop making if people are buying, so nobody must have been buying the larger ones.
I think most Apple users rather buy an iMac or Mac Pro desktop because they are more powerful, and have a bigger screen than the Macbook Pro 17-inch which is pretty expensive if you buy the version with more RAM, storage, and faster video chip and CPU.

The iMac, and newer Mac Pro desktops also don't take up much table space.