Should fighting be allowed in non-fighting sports like hockey, or football?


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Yes, Fighting should be banned in non-fighting sports. I think fighting in non-fighting sports like Hockey, Football, and Baseball can be very dangerous, and un-sprortsmen-like.

If you want to watch people fight in sports, watch karate, Kung Fu, UFC, boxing, professional wrestling, or other sports.
I say be allowed, nothing like buying a ticket for two sports.

but seriously, I've seen some heated arguments during sports games. if fisty cuffs were allowed things would get bloody.
I've honestly never seen anything major in sports other than hockey. I say be allowed, because it's rarely to a point when someone gets heavily injured.
Well, to be honest, that would be a big no for me.

I don't get fighting in the first place but then again, I don't get sports much.....still, it shouldn't be allowed.