Should Game Systems wait a year?


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So if you haven't noticed, game systems and handhelds come out and fail to have a line up to bring in the sales. Do you think game companies should make the system and have it all mass produced but wait a year for video game makers to make some decent games for the system?
I'm not sure it will be good for the consumer since the consumer have to wait longer for a price drop since price drops don't happen until after a year, or game consoles are not selling well. Maybe console makers can make fewer consoles until there is demand for more consoles, or sell their consoles at a cheaper prices where people can easily afford them without spending 500 dollars or more.
I'm not sure it will be good for the consumer since the consumer have to wait longer for a price drop since price drops don't happen until after a year, or game consoles are not selling well. Maybe console makers can make fewer consoles until there is demand for more consoles, or sell their consoles at a cheaper prices where people can easily afford them without spending 500 dollars or more.

I agree. Besides the faster consumers get their hands on the systems, the faster they can make improvements from feedbacks.
During this year wait they can still get feedback by setting up test stations around many popular places. Taking a longer time to test, waiting for games to be made and hype up the system can lead to a much more successful launch.

Besides, for the first few years of the PS3 PS2 out ranked it on most if not all sales.
I think some game companies will not start making games for the system until they see how well the consoles sell, and what type of players like casual, or hardcore players are buying them, so some game companies will just wait a year or months after the console is release before they decide if they want to make a game for newer consoles. If fewer people are buying the consoles, the game companies will take longer to earn back the money spent on games.
During this year wait they can still get feedback by setting up test stations around many popular places. Taking a longer time to test, waiting for games to be made and hype up the system can lead to a much more successful launch.

Besides, for the first few years of the PS3 PS2 out ranked it on most if not all sales.

Well we all know that trying a system out at a testing station is completely different than "owning" it.
I agree, testing out a system for 15-30 mins is differently then owning it, and the people testing it might be biased since they don't have to pay to use it, so they might give it a better review of it vs. someone who bought a console , and later regretted buying it because the controller or console was not as fun as it expected to be after using it for a few days or weeks because it did not live up to the hype.

Maybe console makers should release free demos of the games for PC or try out new games on the Game console web browser via the internet/cloud gaming to use their existing console to try out games by streaming it to their console connected to the TV to have a rough idea of how new games will play and look before they buy it, or the console is released.

Some PC game makers let you demo new PC games on Gaikai for free on a web browser, so the user does not have to download and install a demo on their PC, and just play the demo on a PC with a High Speed Internet connection.
The Wii had strong sales through out its life, and only recently declined in sales these past few years. The Microsoft Xbox 360 also had pretty good sales in America, and Europe, and it was the first Current Gen console to be released.

Both, Nintendo and Microsoft seem to be doing very well, and there are not any stories of MS or Nintendo having money problems.

I think not releasing a console earlier might hurt a console more if a console competitor release a console before another company, and more early adopters just buy the competitors game console, and not the console which was released a year latter since most users don't have the money for 2 consoles, or rather spend the cash on games, extra controllers, accessories, and DLC. Plus, there might be more good reviews and publicity for older consoles then console which was release recently.
During this year wait they can still get feedback by setting up test stations around many popular places. Taking a longer time to test, waiting for games to be made and hype up the system can lead to a much more successful launch.

Besides, for the first few years of the PS3 PS2 out ranked it on most if not all sales.

Testing for like an hour at a test station and playing it for hours everyday offers different experiences. The feedback from a test station wont be of the same level.
Testing for like an hour at a test station and playing it for hours everyday offers different experiences. The feedback from a test station wont be of the same level.

You took the words out my mouth dude. So I'll just quote what you said. Great minds think alike I see.
Definitely not, beside the fact they don't have the money to keep it in "stand by", waiting does not create value. At the minimum, putting it on the market creates the pull and the pressure to get the games out... and debugs the hardware .. (us, i know ...)
That's a great idea I think it will work better that way. I hate getting a new system and I only have a couple of games to play. They should wait until there's a library of games, and then they can release a system. When systems are new I barely have any games that peak my interest. Developers should hold off on the system and focus on creating interesting games.