I think ISP should just give a free router and modem for costumers to use since ISP already make a lot of profit from monthly subscription according to Report: US telcos cashing in on data caps and poor competition , so they can easily afford to give both a modem, and router away as long as you are subscribe to them like how web hosting companies don't require you to buy a web hosting server computer to host a website on for a few dollars or less a month.
Plus, most costumers won't have any use for a modem and router once they change or cancel their ISP service because they are moving, changing ISPs, or quit the internet. The costumer might as well just return the modem and router back to the ISP, so another costumer can can use it like how when someone cancels their web hosting plan, another web hosting buyer uses the server to host another website on.
I think it really just depends on what kind of internet you're paying for. I have a modem/Wireless router/Gigabit ethernet/telephone/cable television hybrid box thing and I just rent it from comcast. If it were some basic Motarola cable moden, then I'd be like f%&# that!! -I could just buy that from geeks.com or Amazon! In that respect, they mine as well just give me the thing.
I know a DSL ISP provider here gives away free modems, and sometimes even an Xbox 360 Slim 4GB if you agree to a 2 year contract with them for DSL service.
If the internet becomes mostly wireless than most new mainstream electronics like laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones already have a wireless modem built-in if you include wi-fi as a modem. The internet company can find a way to charge people for wireless internet with an app on a PC, phone, or tablet, or just give away Wi-Fi for free if you agree to also install a banner ad at the bottom of your screen, or try free apps for free internet since Free app makers make a lot of money off of people who gamble online playing online poker, buy DLC and In-app purchases like virtual coins, and items for games, and when people upgrade to the paid version of the app.
I know Telus, and possibly other ISP in BC gives a free modem/router. I know if you haggle/bargain with ISP sometimes they give you a free modem and router or a cheaper monthly price if there are other competing ISPs in your town.
Most modems are only about $50 so, if your ISP is making you rent the damn thing instead of buying it, you'll likely end up paying 20% of your router's value a month, so... you could pay off your router in 3 months.
yyyyeah. Kinda bull$#!t when you think about it. There are still ISPs that make you rent hardware.