Should Nintendo become just developers?


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No one can doubt the amazingness of Nintendo developed and published games. They tend to be the most fun and also best in terms of quality - they actually work. However, it is pretty apparent that a large percentage of gamers never give the games time of day because they do not want to own a Nintendo console due to limited funds so they buy a console with more third party games to enjoy too. Do you think Nintendo would benefit from not producing consoles anymore (or at least just make handhelds) and instead develop the Mario series and other games for other consoles?
I feel it would be great, Sega did a great job (initially) when they switched over, I can only imagine playing Mario on the Xbox one or Zelda on the Playstation 4.

The Wii U certainly has fallen behind the competition in a major way as of late, it may be time for NIntendo to start seriously considering this option.
If Nintendo was to just sell off all their IPs over to Sony it would make my day as my two favorite gaming companies merged. If they sold off everything to Xbox, everyone will hear me curse all over the globe.
I agree with Martin, I don't like the idea of them going exclusively with Sony, they should just do what Sega did and become a third party developer who makes games for all the current gen systems.

They should still be making their own games.
Martin said:
So you wouldn't want the same people developing them?
ehhhhhh yes and no. Honestly Mario has gone a bit stale so they could use a shake up. Zelda is about to get a shake up with its development staff pretty soon and I think everything else Nintendo owned is out sourced to 3rd party makers.
Demon_Skeith said:
ehhhhhh yes and no. Honestly Mario has gone a bit stale so they could use a shake up. Zelda is about to get a shake up with its development staff pretty soon and I think everything else Nintendo owned is out sourced to 3rd party makers.
Well taking metroid other m into consideration (which was outsourced to Team Ninja and did terribly sales wise) I think the quality of their games definitely suffers when they outsource it to 3rd party developers.

Thats why I would rather them handle such series like metroid for example as a big metroid fan myself.
ToCool74 said:
Well taking metroid other m into consideration (which was outsourced to Team Ninja and did terribly sales wise) I think the quality of their games definitely suffers when they outsource it to 3rd party developers.

Thats why I would rather them handle such series like metroid for example as a big metroid fan myself.
smash bros was out sourced as well but that did end up pretty good.
It may be nice to have some of the old team if they were to sell the IPs to PlayStation. I doubt they would though - they are much more likely to become third party developers, they have too much pride in their titles I think.
Sega was already forced to do this for various reasons. That was bad enough. If Nintendo does it too, that would mean all the classic companies are now third party. Since Atari did it years ago too.
They wouldn't have a problem if they weren't so set in their ways. They have to realize kids aren't the same as they were in the 80's.

And not just that, the same kids from the 80's have evolved. In turn, their gaming as evolved. But Nintendo is still trying to sell the same kid games to the people they did back then. That simply doesn't work

Even kids today are more "grown up" than they were back then so they even have trouble selling to the kids now too.

If they can't find their identity, why NOT go third party?
I would LOVE it if they did. Face it, their consoles suck and the only reason to get them is their exclusive games. Their handhelds are fine, but the consoles are really losing compared to Playstation and Xbox, the only thing they have going on is exclusives and it's really annoying to pay for a console just for a couple of Nintendo's (admittedly awesome) games.
I think Nintendo would do well as a developer. If Nintendo doesn't want to cease to exist,they will have to come up with something.
To be honest, I don't really want to see this.

I mean, it would be neat to see their games on the PS4 or Xbox One to some degree.

But then, what of their less popular franchises?  Making consoles kind of obliges them to make enough different games to make the console worth the purchase price.  So as well as releasing a ton of Mario or Zelda titles, they'll then release Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, Wario or Kirby games as well.  To offer variety for people buying Nintendo systems.

Release games on third party systems, and you won't get this.  You'll just mostly get Mario or Zelda or Pokemon, like how Sega has mostly become the 'Sonic' company since going third party.  I do not ever want to see that happen.