Should Nintendo fire Miyamoto?


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As well as a bunch of other known Nintendo staff?

Because while I think they've done a lot for the games industry and company in general, some of their ideas seem like the kind that are holding back the company's potential. Like the obsession with 'gameplay first design' that's led to the bland stylings and lack of new content in New Super Mario Bros and the last two 3D Mario games. Or the whole focus on Japan over the rest of the world and their different tastes in games.

So what do you think? Would Nintendo potentially do better if the likes of Miyamoto got fired and Nintendo started bringing in completely new staff?
Not unless someone proves it's not a bad idea. I mean that could easily kill Nintendo.
Some tradition is what keeps Nintendo from going down the pipes for instance Mario Maker/3D World/ and I know there's a Game Theory episode saying the gamers are killing games by leading to a verdict that less innovative games sell (to an extent however SMB was just a bundle with the NES). I personally like Mario Maker as an idea and sure there are new features in past games like Galaxy's power-up's, debatable controls, and gravity that only work for so long. Sure mechanics and music are recycled but it is what it is there should be at least one mainseries game per console just so someone can say "I played Mario" or "the mechanics never failed to stun me". I'm sure there is potential out there with new ideas and if they scrapped the whole staff and replaced them with newcomers imo it wouldn't feel like Nintendo is what it is anymore and it would be sad for fans of Pikmin if they made it into a strategy RPG or, LoZ into a Kid Icarus playstyle game, or Smash isn't balanced like fans wanted. It could work but it seems risky.
Maybe the only reason Nintendo would let Miyamoto go would be if he decides to retire. It would be a sad sight but as you said, it could unleash some of the company's potential.
Uh, HEL-LO? Miyamoto wants to make Minecraft more popular in Japan! He wants to make a 3DS port of it! LOOK IT UP!

You need to look it up again. Minecraft was declared never to be released on a Nintendo console a while back because the Nintendo consoles are not powerful enough to support it, first of all. Secondly, MicroSoft owns Mojang now and the Vita Edition is the first and last handheld edition being made for the game.

Back on topic, as I have said often, Miyamoto needs to go - along with whomever is in charge of marketing. Miyamoto is killing Nintendo and has openly admitted to it ( a good example) whilst stating he doesn't care because he only cares about his own vision. Like I keep saying, Nintendo gained its popularity by competing with other consoles graphically and was the leader for many years due to it. It was not until Miyamoto decided to focus on odd gameplay mechanics such as the Wii uses that the company began trailing behind its competators - arguably falling more and more behind with each new console's release, like a person falling on their face in an Olympic race.

“What the other companies are doing makes business sense, but it’s boring. The same games appear on every system. At Nintendo we want an environment where game creators can collaborate and think of ideas for games that could have never happened before.â€

The above quote is by Miyamoto himself and from that article (which also states all the same reasons I have been stating all over this forum for over a year on why Miyamoto needs to go and Nintendo is falling behind). People WANT the same games on each console. don't believe me? think for yourself how many times you've said "I wish that was coming out for this system" or simply look at the post above this one.


This old 'board game' as much as I hate to call it that despite it being categorized as one, just needs a screen and a cord to plug into the wall and you basically have a Nintendo console. Most gamers want a controller and a game that looks as lifelike as possible, not a game where you shake, twist, spin, poke, or swipe the controller - all with graphics that are 2-3 generations behind (because like it or not, people, the sad truth is the PS2 has more realistic graphics than the Wii U. I have games for it that rival if not best even Bayonetta 2).

Miyamoto's odd obsession with focusing on these elements also means he maintains a VERY limited 'power' potential in his consoles, rather than upgrading them with each new system (like how the Wii U, Wii, and Game cube use some of the same hardware). In doing so, he makes games people would love to see released on a Nintendo console - such as Minecraft - unable to do so by a long shot. Even Terraria couldn't run on the 3DS do to both hardware limitations and lack of sufficient memory needed.

Now, let's talk marketing. It seems like whomever markets crap for Nintendo is biased and cannot see past a foot and a half beyond their nose. to begin with, you have the fact that the majority of games and features seem to be released with a Japan-exclusivity. when they ARE released outside of Japan, however, the features are focused still with Japan in mind (such as all of the Street Pass things).

Next, they REALLY seem to hate advertizing outside of their home region - especially in PAL areas. this means that great games which SHOULD be recognized by a broader audience are hidden gems withing a library of crap and indies.

Third, releasing things VERY FEW people would need or want LONG after they are obsolete. The Wii Mini was a HORRIBLE idea WAY TOO LATE in its release. It fits right in with the Gameboy Micro in terms of 'things that had no real reason to be released and were done so at an alarmingly late time'.

I can keep adding to both Miyamoto and Marketing's list of problems, but I've made this thing long enough, I think. Thus, to close, I'll end with simply saying I'd like to see Nintendo make a comeback by making another system like they did when they had the SNES mindset - forget about shaking controllers and bodies, just make a high-powered, good graphical potential, standard controlled console.
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Uh, HEL-LO? Miyamoto wants to make Minecraft more popular in Japan! He wants to make a 3DS port of it! LOOK IT UP!

You need to look it up again. Minecraft was declared never to be released on a Nintendo console a while back because the Nintendo consoles are not powerful enough to support it, first of all. Secondly, MicroSoft owns Mojang now and the Vita Edition is the first and last handheld edition being made for the game.

Back on topic, as I have said often, Miyamoto needs to go - along with whomever is in charge of marketing. Miyamoto is killing Nintendo and has openly admitted to it ( a good example) whilst stating he doesn't care because he only cares about his own vision. Like I keep saying, Nintendo gained its popularity by competing with other consoles graphically and was the leader for many years due to it. It was not until Miyamoto decided to focus on odd gameplay mechanics such as the Wii uses that the company began trailing behind its competators - arguably falling more and more behind with each new console's release, like a person falling on their face in an Olympic race.

“What the other companies are doing makes business sense, but it’s boring. The same games appear on every system. At Nintendo we want an environment where game creators can collaborate and think of ideas for games that could have never happened before.â€

The above quote is by Miyamoto himself and from that article (which also states all the same reasons I have been stating all over this forum for over a year on why Miyamoto needs to go and Nintendo is falling behind). People WANT the same games on each console. don't believe me? think for yourself how many times you've said "I wish that was coming out for this system" or simply look at the post above this one.


This old 'board game' as much as I hate to call it that despite it being categorized as one, just needs a screen and a cord to plug into the wall and you basically have a Nintendo console. Most gamers want a controller and a game that looks as lifelike as possible, not a game where you shake, twist, spin, poke, or swipe the controller - all with graphics that are 2-3 generations behind (because like it or not, people, the sad truth is the PS2 has more realistic graphics than the Wii U. I have games for it that rival if not best even Bayonetta 2).

Miyamoto's odd obsession with focusing on these elements also means he maintains a VERY limited 'power' potential in his consoles, rather than upgrading them with each new system (like how the Wii U, Wii, and Game cube use some of the same hardware). In doing so, he makes games people would love to see released on a Nintendo console - such as Minecraft - unable to do so by a long shot. Even Terraria couldn't run on the 3DS do to both hardware limitations and lack of sufficient memory needed.

Now, let's talk marketing. It seems like whomever markets crap for Nintendo is biased and cannot see past a foot and a half beyond their nose. to begin with, you have the fact that the majority of games and features seem to be released with a Japan-exclusivity. when they ARE released outside of Japan, however, the features are focused still with Japan in mind (such as all of the Street Pass things).

Next, they REALLY seem to hate advertizing outside of their home region - especially in PAL areas. this means that great games which SHOULD be recognized by a broader audience are hidden gems withing a library of crap and indies.

Third, releasing things VERY FEW people would need or want LONG after they are obsolete. The Wii Mini was a HORRIBLE idea WAY TOO LATE in its release. It fits right in with the Gameboy Micro in terms of 'things that had no real reason to be released and were done so at an alarmingly late time'.

I can keep adding to both Miyamoto and Marketing's list of problems, but I've made this thing long enough, I think. Thus, to close, I'll end with simply saying I'd like to see Nintendo make a comeback by making another system like they did when they had the SNES mindset - forget about shaking controllers and bodies, just make a high-powered, good graphical potential, standard controlled console.

I basically couldn't agree with this more. Nintendo has lost it's way- you don't need silly gimmicks and crazy controllers to have a fun game. The only reason the Wii took off was because so many older people discovered the joys of virtual bowling. I know they try and laud it as this huge success (And financially it was), but when you think about, what do they talk about? Older folks who normally wouldn't play video games, bowling and playing pretend tennis. I never hear about how all those people then went on to play Zelda or Mario, or any other actual game. I mean, it's cool, but it's really not that revolutionary.

Most gamers out there want regular controllers and good graphics, with the technical power to back it up. I was really excited to play Hyrule Warriors- until I actually did and it was embarrassingly laggy. I also dread their renewed effort to shoe horn in their stupid tablet controller for the Wii U. Yeah, it's cool that I CAN play games soley on it when someone else is using the TV, but I also want the option to chuck that thing in a box somewhere and completely forget it exists until I need an extra controller. I have two 56 inch HD TVs in my house. Why the heck would I want to play games on a twelve inch, low quality, low resolution screen? I've waited years and years for HD graphics on Nintendo's gorgeous, bright and happy graphics style- I have no interest in looking at them on something that looks like it was designed by Fisher Price. It's like opting for a LeapFrog instead of an Alienware gaming laptop.?

I know Nintendo is known for 'innovation' and always have been, but I never saw them that way. I know Nintendo for lovable characters that no one else has and epic stories, with fun gameplay. The weirdest controller I want to handle is the N64's. That's really all I care about- and it's why I'm playing my PS4 and 3DS way more then my Wii U. The PS4 is the traditional console gaming I love with a normal, well designed controller, and for the most part 3DS games don't try to impress weird play styles on me with their touch screens and 3D.

I can't say that Miyamoto needs to be fired over this, as it's not entirely clear how much of this weird 'innovative kick' they've been on is exclusively his fault. But he needs a wakeup call, and I really hope it happens before they put out another weird controller...