Nintendo has always been a force when it comes to their handheld divisions, but the Wii U is really struggling to pick up some traction. Many shareholders have suggested that Nintendo really needs to expand into the mobile smartphone division and have apps for both Android and iOS.
Conversely, you could make an argument that this may potentially cannibalize their Nintendo DS division. Where do you stand on the issue? I'm sure a few of us salivate at the thought of Pokemon on our smartphones, but for the company would it cause more problems than solve?
If they would port their games over to mobile devices, how would people play them? I mean, it would probably be quite hazardous to the games themselves to have the users playing it with touchscreen controls. As we all know, touchscreen controlls generally suck, and they often ruin the entire experience.
Of course, it would be nice if they ported a few games, atleast the ones that wouldn't be affected too much of the lack of proper controls, but yeah... It's a bit sad that their consoles aren't as successful as they used to be.
It would be neat if they could offer mobile exclusives. Like, say, a Pokedex app that tracks the Pokemon you've caught in-game or something. Or perhaps "mobile versions" of their games. Like Mario platformer where he's constantly running through a level and you just tap to jump. It wouldn't be groundbreaking or a big moneymaker for them, but I could see Nintendo being mildly successful in the mobile market.
It would not make sense for Nintendo to publish games on what basically constitutes a competing platform to their own. Smartphone games are in direct competition with the 3DS, so publishing games in smartphones would simply be shooting themselves on the foot. It'd be similar to publishing a game on the PS4 or Vita. That said, companion apps could definitely work, specially for Wii U games.
I think it is inevitable, and after some time, they might not have much other choice than to do it, so I'd guess starting now would be a good move. I don't really know that much about the business side of things, though, so I don't know how successful of a decision it would be if they do eventually cave in, but I trust they will do fine.
Maybe Nintendo will someday make a Nintendo handheld which can make calls, and text by using the internet/wifi, or cell phone networks.
I feel a Nintendo handheld with controls which can make calls will sell pretty well if they also sell their downloadable games at an affordable price like other mobile games which cost $1-5.
It would be really cool to see Nintendo offer some really cool gaming apps. I personally myself would jump at the chance to play them and I do feel that the audience for them would be quite big as well. It's a shame that they have not done or are not considering this as it could help them.
Okay, there is a 99.9% chance that Nintendo will not port its games to smartphones. I can be wrong though, but that's what I think. Applications such as the Mario Kart TV thing are cool (I think they created such an app, although I can't say for certain) and MK-TV promotes the games to get people interested in purchasing a Wii U + Mario Kart 8.
^ Stuff like that, I can see happening. Nintendo porting its games to smartphones, yeah... no!
I guess they could create apps, as long as they remain related to their games and their features (a way to earn play coins for example), or even the possibility of playing demos, that could only benefit them in the long run.
Nintendo making games for the Nvidia Shield, Nvidia Shield Tablet with controller, and Wikipad could help Nintendo get more fans. I don't think most of their Nintendo games will play well on touchscreens on smartphones, but they are more playable on tablets with controller support or a built-in controller.
I think they need to. Nintendo make amazingly fun games but they are not the best at making consoles that sell and have lasting power. It would be much better in Nintendo start to become more of a game developer and publisher for other consoles in my opinion.