Should regular people carry weapons for self-defense/protection?


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Yes, I find it okay for regular people to carry around small guns, knives, swords, tasers, and pepper spray for self defense.

Preferably, it would be good that they are trained to use weapons safely, and accurately like the police, army, etc, so there is less chance of hurting innocent bystanders when defending yourself from an attacker.
On one hand, I wouldn't mind, but some people are freaking insane, and use weapons for other things. Take John Lennon's killer for a second. He had a gun, a normal civilian, a psychiatric patient, a psychopath. It's just hard for me to completely accept it.
No, if everyone had one for self-defense, it wouldn't make a difference. Well, there would be a difference.. more deaths.
Graceful has a great point to this. Factoring in mental stability, I don't think it's a great idea. I don't trust myself to carry around a weapon because I could get mad and hurt or kill someone.
I agree people with mental problems should not be able to carry weapons, and I can also see accidental firing of weapons which can be dangerous rising if more people had guns.

But, in some cases, having a person with a weapon in places with lots of people can be helpful since it reduces the chance of a random person shooting a lot of innocent bystanders out of anger.

Plus, it can take the police a few minutes to arrive to arrest the criminal down, and there is always a chance no one will call the police since many people are lazy these days, or don't have a cell phone.

I saw stories on the news where people just sit and watch, and don't even report a crime to the police.
No it's not. This is why we have the police, army, marines, etc. They do this kinda stuff FOR US. :P

they won't stand by our sides babying us for 24/7 though.

I forget which state this happen but there was some serial sniper loose and parents were taking their kids to school while holding guns. Case in point, if I am danger I will carry a gun (bazooka and flame thrower works as well :P ) to protect myself.
I think it should be allowed to carry non-lethal weapons. But here in finland if you hit a robber/rapist/other criminal for attacking you, you can be fined for that. It's basically illegal to defense yourself here.
Non lethal weapons would be find, things like pepper spray. If everyone started carrying guns around the world would devolve into chaos.
Non-lethal weapons should be allowed. I know it my state there's a law on how long the blade of a knife can be. (No bigger then the palm of your hand) you need to jump through hoops to get a gun permit, and I think you can carry pepper spray but not a tazer. I have nothing against self defense, I carry a knife with me alot. Especially if I have to go down town or to an unknown part of town.
Here in UK it is illegal to defend yourself sometimes. A robber kept breaking into a guy's shed so he set a bear trap in it one night, caught the robber in it, then the robber sued him for injuring him and won despite the fact he had been breaking into the man's property. It is mad.
Yeah, it all depends on the court though. It is technically a crime to defend yourself although 90% of the time, the court will ignore that and reclass it as necessary force
In my country, it is illegal to carry weapons regardless of your intention.
It's difficult to keep law enforcement up as it is, especially if people can carry weapons around. Potential troublemakers can claim to possess these weapons for "self-defence", and who would be able to stop them then?
Not at all the second amendment (for you Americans) is impractical for today. As it was used to maintain a militia but you guys have a huge army. The reasons why you should either remove your army or the second amendment is

Hence, likewise, they will avoid the necessity of those overgrown military establishments which, under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to republican liberty

-George Washington
To be honest, I am not so sure.
People shouldn't use them much and not to mention that how many times, I have read people and kids getting hurt because of some accident or the,I have mixed feelings about this.
I disagree. Allowing people to wear weapons around also gives a free pass to those who aren't sane. And those who aren't sane are those who'll most likely start those conflicts. Aka every conflict will be more fatal.