Should the internet bill be more like a Utility bill rather then paying the same amount every month?


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I think it would work good for some people if the Internet bill was like the gas, and electric bill where you only pay for what you use. For example, people who only use the internet for e-mail, and Facebook would probably save 10-20 dollars a month if they only pay for the amount of bandwidth they use.

But, for people who are heavy internet users which stream a lot of movies, it probably won't be as good of a deal unless the ISP charges very cheaply for bandwidth which is unlikely.
I think the world is nearly at the point that the internet is needed as much as electricity or gas. So in time this should turn out to be a utility like bill.

I'll bet it will start with some new internet company that provides great speeds and uses a utility type billing.
I agree. I think the Utility bill model might make sense for people who are rarely home like Full-time students, go on vacation a lot, people who travel a lot away from home, and people who mainly use the internet away from home.

Some web hosting services are starting to be Utility Style like Amazon Cloud CDN for hosting and storing files where you only pay $0.140 per GB bandwidth used