Shy Guy Store Part 2


Insane, but humble
Last time I left my story.

I left the parking lot in my Shy Guy car.
Nintendan and General guy took the bus.
I was right behind them. Then on the other lane came down, going towards the store, a truck of Nom Nom boxes.
We all knew we all saw it.
I made a U turn and turned back towards the store.
Unknown to me Nintendan karate Chopped the Bus driver and hijacked the Bus. They turned the bus around, hitting a few cars with the wide U turn.
The chase was on. Again.

Continuing now!

As I turned the Car around I could already see the Bus making a U-turn. I started Driving on the left side of the road. Honking My horn signaling Driver to get out of my name. Now you might think all this over a box of cereal is whack, but you’ve never tasted the Nom Nom’s have you? They are the most delicious things in the world. It starts with wheats and grains from Flowery Fields all the way from Sarasaland land. The fruity flavors come straight from Keelhaul Key from all the succulent Keel Mangos. The chocolate bits come from Chocolate Island all the way in near Yoshi’s Island. When all those delightful flavors come together the result is edible heaven. I can’t even begin to describe the wonder burst of flavors that you begin to experience after that first bite. Yum. But anyway I have to get that truck of Nom Nom’s before Dan or General Guy. I continued driving on the left side of the road. Each second I got closer and closer. Then from the right, came the bus. Dan and General Guy were working to together. Weird. You’d think they wouldn’t want to share something as delicious as the Nom Nom’s. They’d probably turn on each other when they reach the Truck. But for now they both knew they needed that bus and Oh My God General Guy just threw Dan Out the window.


Well, that’s one down. Just then General Guy started ramming me with the bus. My little Fuel Efficient car vs a Gas Guzzling Bus. I had to shake him off me or else I’d be a goner. I took the risk and slowed down, letting him in front of me. Darn General Guy. He’ll pay eventually. For now we chased the Truck for a few blocks when I decided to take the chance. I sped up to as fast as my car could go. He started ramming me again but I barely slipped passed him. I was in the lead again. Woohoo! I could already taste sweet victory. It tasted like Nom Nom’s. Just then I heard big explosions coming from behind. I checked my rear view mirrors and saw Dan was riding General Guy’s Tank! Sly little bugger. He was shooting at General Guy and he didn’t miss. His bus couldn’t take much more of this. Then I heard Dan over the intercom thingy of General’s Tank.

“Attention SMF and General Guy. Give up now and I won’t shoot you anymore. Wait, nah I’ll shoot you anyways. But seriously, Pull over and I’ll let you live if you survive my tank shot at your cars. This is your only warning. Pull over now.”

Then I saw it, right in front of me. The Truck of Nom Nom’s. *Kaboom!* Dan had blown up General Guy. Now he would go for me. I saw in the rear view mirrors General Guy’s tank come up from the Explosion. Dan was ruthless.
“Reloading!” Dan yelled out.

I had one chance. I broke open the windshield.

“5, 4, 3,”

I got on the hood of my car. It was hard to keep balance going at 70 MPH.

“2, 1, 1 ½, 1 ¾. Wait why am I counting up? 0!” Dan said as he fired.

I jumped from my car and just barely made it on the Truck of Nom Nom’s.

“MY CAR!” I screamed out.

Luckily I knew that Dan wouldn’t shoot the truck of Nom Nom’s. He would risk injury to his precious cereal, and truthfully, neither would I. I slowly made my way to the Driver’s side of the car while bearing against 75 MPH winds. It felt like eternity until I finally reached the driver’s window. I broke the window with my elbow and pulled out a Goomba. I threw him out.

“Sorry about this!” I said as I let him go, only to be crushed my General Guy’s Tank.

Did I just kill someone? Or was it Dan? Anyway I jumped in the car. Oh my Fudge! What the heck! What Kind of Truck is this! All the controls were messed up. Then I remembered this is a Goomba Truck. These vehicles are much different than Shy Guy Vehicles. There was a steering wheel at least. The Goomba’s must use their legs to steer or something. I should really get a Goomba friend or something like that. Anyway I think I was safe for now. Dan wouldn’t shoot me and risk blowing up his Nom Nom’s. I had to think up a plan as soon as possible to get rid of him.


“So Wasabi, you have a very important job on your first day as an Museum Police officer.” Porkman said.

“What would that be Porkster?” Wasabi relpied.

“Don’t call me that. We just met each other and only my friends call me that.” Porkman said.

“Oh sorry about that.” Wasabi replied.

“It’s ok. Anyway as your first act as security officer you must protect this museum from the unthinkable. If you screw up you’re fired. And especially do not let anything happen to this exhibit!” Porkman said pointing at the exhibit of Unknown Fossils. (The pokemon Letter things.)

“Yes sir! Wait I mean no. Or is it yes? I’m confused.” Wasabi said.

“Well don’t be. I’m off for a lunch break. When I come back I better see everything the way it is right now. Got that?” Porkman Ordered.

“YES SIR” Wasabi said.

Part 2 of Part 2 coming soon.

Anyhoo.... Here's a teaser for my fifth story. Enjoy. More to come soon.

*Radio Buzzing* We have found another test subject. He was in critical condition when we found him. But now he is in "stable condition". We'll soon start experimenting on him and see how far his body can go. *Transmission ends*
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That would be amazing if you did, Porkman, heh. And SMF, another great story! I loved it and laughed so much.
An Idea had come to mind. I would lose him in traffic. As I turned towards Shy Guy Plaza, the busy part of Shy Guy Town, I saw Dan following me from behind. I increased my speed to 100MPH. It was quite a rush really, everything went by so fast. And the Cars were like flies against my speeding truck. I didn’t care anymore about dodging those cars, I just wanted to get away from Dan and his Tank. Err General Guy’s but you know what I mean. I wonder where he was anyway. I’m sure he’d join the chase again soon but for now I had to lose Dan. I continued at my fast speed down the road. Dan, unfortunately was also capable of 100 MPH in the Tank. I then started turning left and right, going from road to road, trying to shake him. But to no avail he was still too fast. The chase went on for another 10 minuets around the town central. Then I saw road spikes ahead. I made a quick right turn, just barely dodging the doom that could’ve easily happen. Then I heard Dan over the intercom again.

“So close SMF. How’d you like that little surprise! While we’ve been driving around town I’ve been laying road spikes! Try to dodge them all with me on your tail! Ha!” Nintendan said.

Darn it. He thought of a good plan while I still had nothing.

I continued the chase but every turn I saw road spikes. I had to continuously perform quick and unexpected right turns. The Spikes started appearing more and more frequently. I was in serious trouble. Then suddenly right in front of me, no turns available, there were road Spikes. I quickly preformed a right turn, crashing into the building.

As I crashed into the building, I saw the Truck was out of gas. Darn.

Dan followed into the building crashing through his own hole, showoff.

“I GOT YOU NOW! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nintendan yelled out, while popping his head out of the Tank entrance thing.

“I’m still not done Dan. You’ll have to battle me for these Nom Noms!” I yelled at him.


Me and Dan looked over and saw Wasabi staring at the rubble of the exhibit we crashed through.


Dan then pointed his Tank towards Wasabi.
“Boohoo.” Dan said as he fired his cannon at Wasabi, flinging him through the wall of the museum.

“Now where were we SMF? Oh yeah. I remember now. You were going to try and fight me in while I’m in General Guy’s Tank! 3 words. BRING. IT. ON.” Dan said.



Fighters Are SuperMarioFan and Nintendan in General Guy’s Tank!

SMF Stats-

HP- 60
Max ATK- 5
Max DEF- 2
Def - 0
Lucky Rate - .5%

Nintendan Stats

HP - 55
Max ATK - 9
Max DEF 3
DEF - 0
Lucky Rate - .1%

Tank Stats (Nintendan Can hide inside of the Tank from SMF’s Attack)

HP - 200
Max ATK- 20
Max DEF - 0
DEF - 3
Lucky Rate- 2%

Nintendan Gets first Attack.

Nintendan Charges Tank Cannon!

SMF is up next.

SMF Uses Ground Pound

Hit with Nintendan missing Defence action command! 5 Damage is done to Dan decreasing his HP to 50.

“Darn you SMF! I forgot I’m still exposed up here!”

Nintendan goes next.

Nintendan Hides in Tank.

SMF Uses Ground Pound on Tank. 2 Damage is done to the Tank Decreasing its HP to 198.

“Hahahaha! You’ll never destroy this Tank in time before I finish you!” Nintendan Said over the intercom.

Nintendan Goes Next.

Nintendan Charges Tank Cannon!

SMF Goes Next.

SMF Gets out Hammer and hit’s the Tank! 2 Damage is done to the Tank reducing its HP to 196.

“Mwahahahaha! Is that all you got! I’ll show you real firepower!” Nintendan laughed out.

Nintendan Fires Tank Cannon! It’s Super Effective! Lucky Extra Damage! SMF misses Damage reducing Action Command! 25 Damage is done to SMF Reducing his HP to 35!

“How do like that SMF?” Nintendan yelled out.

I was in trouble. With that Tank Dan was sure to win this fight. I had to do something.


“HEY!” General Guy yelled out. “I finally caught up to you guys! The Nom Nom’s are MINE you hear!”

General guy then got out a ray gun of some sort and said. “3 way battle!”


General Guy’s Stats.

40 - HP
Max ATK - 8
Max Def - 4
DEF - 0
Lucky Rate - .3%

General Has Joined the Battle! It is General Guys Turn.

“You’ll pay for stealing my baby Dan!”

General Guy shoots Tank with Ray Gun piercing its’ defenses! 8 Damage is done to the Tank reducing its HP to 188.

Dan’s Turn.

Dan Charges his Tank Cannon!

SMF is up next.

‘Then I realized I had items! Now would be a good time to use them!’

SMF uses Ice Flower on all!

4 Damage is done to General Guy and The Tank reducing General Guy‘s HP to 36 and Tank‘s to 184! The Tank is also frozen!

‘YES! I though to myself’

General’s turn.

General Guy shoots Tank with Ray Gun piercing its’ defenses! 8 Damage is done to the Tank reducing its HP to 176.

Dan cannot do anything.

SMF’s Turn.

SMF uses Thunder Storm on all!

3 Repeated attacks of 3 Damage are done to General Guy and Tank. General Guy successfully action commands 2 of the 3 lighting bolts done to him only giving him 3 damage reducing his HP to 33. The Tank takes full damage with the Lighting Storm. The Attack also Pierced through the Tank giving both the Tank and Dan full damage. The Tank’s HP is reduced to 167 and Nintendan’s is reduced to 41.

General’s turn.

General Guy shoots Tank with Ray Gun piercing its’ defenses! 8 Damage is done to the Tank reducing its HP to 159.

Nintendan Cannot due anything this turn.

SMF is up and…..


“HEY YOU GUYS!” We all looked over and saw Wasabi with an angry look on his face. “YOU PRACTICALLY GOT ME FIRED ON THE FIRST FREAKING DAY OF WORK! YOU ARE ALL GOING TO PAY!” Wasabi yelled out. “YOU SEE THIS THING?” Wasabi yelled out holding a staff of some sort. “THIS IS THE ANCIENT STAFF OF TUTANKOOPA! AND I’M GOING TO USE THIS TO GIVE YOU GUYS A WORLD OF PAIN!”


Wasabi has joined the Battle!

Wasabi’s Stats
HP - 45
Max ATK (with staff) - 10
Max Def - 1
Def - 0
Lucky Rate (with staff) - 10%

Wasabi is up to fight.


Wasabi uses the Staff magic and drops Giant Chain Chomps on everyone.

7 Damage is done to the Tank and 10 to General Guy. General Guy Failed to successfully action command his defence up. SMF is Lucky and the Attack missed him. The Tank’s HP is now 152 and General Guy’s HP is now 23.

SMF is up.

SMF uses Shroom Sucker on Wasabi!

7 Damage is done to Wasabi and 7 HP is replenished to SMF.

Wasabi’s HP is now 38 and SMF’s is 42.

General Guy’s Turn!

General Guy Shoots Wasabi. Wasabi Succesfully Action Commands and General Guy’s Ray Gun’s Damage is reduced to 7 making his HP 31.

Nintendan is Unfrozen! Nintendan Charges his Tank Cannon.

Wasabi uses his Electric Staff attack and Does 8 Damage to the Tank as well as Dan inside of the Tank. The Tank’s HP is reduced to 144 and making Dan’s HP to 33.

SMF’s Turn……………………………….............

And after a while of Fighting…………………

Nintendan had 15 HP left.

The Tank had 30 HP left.

Wasabi dangerously had 5 left.

General Guy had 11 left.

I had 24 left. (Thank my supply of Super Mushrooms

“Time to go bye bye Wasabi!” Dan said.


Dan Fired his Tank cannon shooting Wasabi. He flew into the air cursing us all out.

Wasabi has lost all HP. No Life Mushrooms are in Wasabi’s Inventory. Wasabi has lost the battle.



SMF’s Turn.

I used my last item. Bomb-Omb.

SMF used Bomb-omb on the Tank. The Bomb-omb is ticking.

General Guy’s turn.

General Guy uses The Raid (A gun) on the Tank. It’s Super effective! 13 Damage is to the tank with 5 to Dan with some Penetration Damage. The Tank’s HP is reduced to 17. Dan’s HP is reduced to 10.

Nintendan’s Turn.

Nintendan Charges the Tank Cannon.

SMF’s Turn. The Bomb-Omb is Still ticking.

SMF uses Hammer on General Guy. General Guy Misses the Defensive action command and SMF’s attack is Lucky! It’s ATK is increased from 5 to 9. 9 ATK is done to General Guy reducing his HP to 3.

Dan’s turn.

Dan charges the Tank Cannon.

The Bomb explodes giving The Tank 12 Damage as well as 5 to SMF and General Guy in the explosion.

The Tank’s HP is reduced to 5 and General guy has lost as his HP. General guy has no Life Mushrooms in his inventory. General Guy has lost the battle. SMF’s HP has been reduced to 19.
Dan’s Turn.

Nintendan Fires the Tank Cannon at SMF. SMF successfully action commands, increasing his defense against the attack. SMF only takes 18 Damage.


“NO!” I shouted back at him.

SMF’s Turn.

SMF Uses Ground Pound on Tank. 2 Damage is done to the Tank Decreasing its HP to 3.

Dan uses his turn to charge the Tank.

SMF Uses Ground Pound on Tank again. 2 Damage is done to the Tank Decreasing its HP to 1.

Dan Charges the Tank cannon again.

SMF Uses Ground Pound on Tank. It Is destroyed! It explodes flinging Dan out.

“I will still beat you SMF!” Dan said as he got up.

Dan’s turn.

Dan jumps on SMF’s head giving him 3 damage.

SMF has no Life Mushrooms in his inventory. SMF has lost the battle.



“Ahem?” Porkman said, walking into the Museum.

“Um………… Hi?” Dan said.

“You know…… I’m going to need money for the damages you know?” Porkman said.

Nintendan Gulped. “And?”

“Well, I see a truckload of the Rare Nom Nom cereal right behind you.” Porkman said.

“NEVER!” Dan yelled.


Porkman’s stats.

HP – 70
Max ATK- 6
Max Def – 3
Def – 0
Lucky Rate – 1%

Dan rushes at Porkman. Porkman is lucky and Nintendan Misses.

Porkman is up.

Porkman uses Pork Punch on Dan. It’s super effective! 8 ATK is done to Dan reducing his HP to 0. Nintendan has lost all of his HP and has no Life Shrooms in Storage. Nintendan loses the battle. Porkman wins!


“Noooooo. My noms!” Dan said as he fell to the ground.

“You mean my noms, right Dan?” Porkman said with an evil grin.

Then suddenly Wasabi fell down from the sky. I forgot all about him.

“AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!” Wasabi screamed as he hit the ground.

He looked up at Porkman.

Porkman just said. “You’re fired.”

Wasabi then just looked back down at the floor.

So no one got the cereal since technically Porkman sold them all somewhere. Darn.

Another Teaser for my next story! Wee!

*Radio Buzzing* Ze experiments have gone well. Most of ze test subjects have shown outstanding progress far ahead of expectations. Alas, there is one subject zat is.... Behaving erratically. He doesn't respond to most of ze commands and when he does, he clearly tries to fight zem. The reason for zis right now is unexplainable. He posseses such will power. Few other men have zis capability. Nonetheless he still haz ze physical Capability as the others do. But to be safe, let's just send out our other operatives instead for Act 231. Zis one..... Needs more work. However one thing is bothering me. Who is this SuperMarioFan he keeps rambling about? *Transmission ends*
Heh heh heh, serves em' all right.

I liked the whole battle thing you set up, with the music and all, made it very interesting. I enjoyed reading this.
Another funny story here SMF, and the Paper Mario elements along with the battles sure kept this one interesting!!

Will you be planning on using this same feature in future stories? I think it would be good to keep it up!
I WON THE BATTLE! But Porkman stole my Noms...

I laffed reading this again, and like others said, the RPG style at the end as a neat addition!
An Idea had come to mind. I would lose him in traffic. As I turned towards Shy Guy Plaza, the busy part of Shy Guy Town, I saw Dan following me from behind. I increased my speed to 100MPH. It was quite a rush really, everything went by so fast. And the Cars were like flies against my speeding truck. I didn’t care anymore about dodging those cars, I just wanted to get away from Dan and his Tank. Err General Guy’s but you know what I mean. I wonder where he was anyway. I’m sure he’d join the chase again soon but for now I had to lose Dan. I continued at my fast speed down the road. Dan, unfortunately was also capable of 100 MPH in the Tank. I then started turning left and right, going from road to road, trying to shake him. But to no avail he was still too fast. The chase went on for another 10 minuets around the town central. Then I saw road spikes ahead. I made a quick right turn, just barely dodging the doom that could’ve easily happen. Then I heard Dan over the intercom again.

“So close SMF. How’d you like that little surprise! While we’ve been driving around town I’ve been laying road spikes! Try to dodge them all with me on your tail! Ha!” Nintendan said.

Darn it. He thought of a good plan while I still had nothing.

I continued the chase but every turn I saw road spikes. I had to continuously perform quick and unexpected right turns. The Spikes started appearing more and more frequently. I was in serious trouble. Then suddenly right in front of me, no turns available, there were road Spikes. I quickly preformed a right turn, crashing into the building.

As I crashed into the building, I saw the Truck was out of gas. Darn.

Dan followed into the building crashing through his own hole, showoff.

“I GOT YOU NOW! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!” Nintendan yelled out, while popping his head out of the Tank entrance thing.

“I’m still not done Dan. You’ll have to battle me for these Nom Noms!” I yelled at him.


Me and Dan looked over and saw Wasabi staring at the rubble of the exhibit we crashed through.


Dan then pointed his Tank towards Wasabi.
“Boohoo.” Dan said as he fired his cannon at Wasabi, flinging him through the wall of the museum.

“Now where were we SMF? Oh yeah. I remember now. You were going to try and fight me in while I’m in General Guy’s Tank! 3 words. BRING. IT. ON.” Dan said.



Fighters Are SuperMarioFan and Nintendan in General Guy’s Tank!

SMF Stats-

HP- 60
Max ATK- 5
Max DEF- 2
Def - 0
Lucky Rate - .5%

Nintendan Stats

HP - 55
Max ATK - 9
Max DEF 3
DEF - 0
Lucky Rate - .1%

Tank Stats (Nintendan Can hide inside of the Tank from SMF’s Attack)

HP - 200
Max ATK- 20
Max DEF - 0
DEF - 3
Lucky Rate- 2%

Nintendan Gets first Attack.

Nintendan Charges Tank Cannon!

SMF is up next.

SMF Uses Ground Pound

Hit with Nintendan missing Defence action command! 5 Damage is done to Dan decreasing his HP to 50.

“Darn you SMF! I forgot I’m still exposed up here!”

Nintendan goes next.

Nintendan Hides in Tank.

SMF Uses Ground Pound on Tank. 2 Damage is done to the Tank Decreasing its HP to 198.

“Hahahaha! You’ll never destroy this Tank in time before I finish you!” Nintendan Said over the intercom.

Nintendan Goes Next.

Nintendan Charges Tank Cannon!

SMF Goes Next.

SMF Gets out Hammer and hit’s the Tank! 2 Damage is done to the Tank reducing its HP to 196.

“Mwahahahaha! Is that all you got! I’ll show you real firepower!” Nintendan laughed out.

Nintendan Fires Tank Cannon! It’s Super Effective! Lucky Extra Damage! SMF misses Damage reducing Action Command! 25 Damage is done to SMF Reducing his HP to 35!

“How do like that SMF?” Nintendan yelled out.

I was in trouble. With that Tank Dan was sure to win this fight. I had to do something.


“HEY!” General Guy yelled out. “I finally caught up to you guys! The Nom Nom’s are MINE you hear!”

General guy then got out a ray gun of some sort and said. “3 way battle!”


General Guy’s Stats.

40 - HP
Max ATK - 8
Max Def - 4
DEF - 0
Lucky Rate - .3%

General Has Joined the Battle! It is General Guys Turn.

“You’ll pay for stealing my baby Dan!”

General Guy shoots Tank with Ray Gun piercing its’ defenses! 8 Damage is done to the Tank reducing its HP to 188.

Dan’s Turn.

Dan Charges his Tank Cannon!

SMF is up next.

‘Then I realized I had items! Now would be a good time to use them!’

SMF uses Ice Flower on all!

4 Damage is done to General Guy and The Tank reducing General Guy‘s HP to 36 and Tank‘s to 184! The Tank is also frozen!

‘YES! I though to myself’

General’s turn.

General Guy shoots Tank with Ray Gun piercing its’ defenses! 8 Damage is done to the Tank reducing its HP to 176.

Dan cannot do anything.

SMF’s Turn.

SMF uses Thunder Storm on all!

3 Repeated attacks of 3 Damage are done to General Guy and Tank. General Guy successfully action commands 2 of the 3 lighting bolts done to him only giving him 3 damage reducing his HP to 33. The Tank takes full damage with the Lighting Storm. The Attack also Pierced through the Tank giving both the Tank and Dan full damage. The Tank’s HP is reduced to 167 and Nintendan’s is reduced to 41.

General’s turn.

General Guy shoots Tank with Ray Gun piercing its’ defenses! 8 Damage is done to the Tank reducing its HP to 159.

Nintendan Cannot due anything this turn.

SMF is up and…..


“HEY YOU GUYS!” We all looked over and saw Wasabi with an angry look on his face. “YOU PRACTICALLY GOT ME FIRED ON THE FIRST FREAKING DAY OF WORK! YOU ARE ALL GOING TO PAY!” Wasabi yelled out. “YOU SEE THIS THING?” Wasabi yelled out holding a staff of some sort. “THIS IS THE ANCIENT STAFF OF TUTANKOOPA! AND I’M GOING TO USE THIS TO GIVE YOU GUYS A WORLD OF PAIN!”


Wasabi has joined the Battle!

Wasabi’s Stats
HP - 45
Max ATK (with staff) - 10
Max Def - 1
Def - 0
Lucky Rate (with staff) - 10%

Wasabi is up to fight.


Wasabi uses the Staff magic and drops Giant Chain Chomps on everyone.

7 Damage is done to the Tank and 10 to General Guy. General Guy Failed to successfully action command his defence up. SMF is Lucky and the Attack missed him. The Tank’s HP is now 152 and General Guy’s HP is now 23.

SMF is up.

SMF uses Shroom Sucker on Wasabi!

7 Damage is done to Wasabi and 7 HP is replenished to SMF.

Wasabi’s HP is now 38 and SMF’s is 42.

General Guy’s Turn!

General Guy Shoots Wasabi. Wasabi Succesfully Action Commands and General Guy’s Ray Gun’s Damage is reduced to 7 making his HP 31.

Nintendan is Unfrozen! Nintendan Charges his Tank Cannon.

Wasabi uses his Electric Staff attack and Does 8 Damage to the Tank as well as Dan inside of the Tank. The Tank’s HP is reduced to 144 and making Dan’s HP to 33.

SMF’s Turn……………………………….............

And after a while of Fighting…………………

Nintendan had 15 HP left.

The Tank had 30 HP left.

Wasabi dangerously had 5 left.

General Guy had 11 left.

I had 24 left. (Thank my supply of Super Mushrooms

“Time to go bye bye Wasabi!” Dan said.


Dan Fired his Tank cannon shooting Wasabi. He flew into the air cursing us all out.

Wasabi has lost all HP. No Life Mushrooms are in Wasabi’s Inventory. Wasabi has lost the battle.



SMF’s Turn.

I used my last item. Bomb-Omb.

SMF used Bomb-omb on the Tank. The Bomb-omb is ticking.

General Guy’s turn.

General Guy uses The Raid (A gun) on the Tank. It’s Super effective! 13 Damage is to the tank with 5 to Dan with some Penetration Damage. The Tank’s HP is reduced to 17. Dan’s HP is reduced to 10.

Nintendan’s Turn.

Nintendan Charges the Tank Cannon.

SMF’s Turn. The Bomb-Omb is Still ticking.

SMF uses Hammer on General Guy. General Guy Misses the Defensive action command and SMF’s attack is Lucky! It’s ATK is increased from 5 to 9. 9 ATK is done to General Guy reducing his HP to 3.

Dan’s turn.

Dan charges the Tank Cannon.

The Bomb explodes giving The Tank 12 Damage as well as 5 to SMF and General Guy in the explosion.

The Tank’s HP is reduced to 5 and General guy has lost as his HP. General guy has no Life Mushrooms in his inventory. General Guy has lost the battle. SMF’s HP has been reduced to 19.
Dan’s Turn.

Nintendan Fires the Tank Cannon at SMF. SMF successfully action commands, increasing his defense against the attack. SMF only takes 18 Damage.


“NO!” I shouted back at him.

SMF’s Turn.

SMF Uses Ground Pound on Tank. 2 Damage is done to the Tank Decreasing its HP to 3.

Dan uses his turn to charge the Tank.

SMF Uses Ground Pound on Tank again. 2 Damage is done to the Tank Decreasing its HP to 1.

Dan Charges the Tank cannon again.

SMF Uses Ground Pound on Tank. It Is destroyed! It explodes flinging Dan out.

“I will still beat you SMF!” Dan said as he got up.

Dan’s turn.

Dan jumps on SMF’s head giving him 3 damage.

SMF has no Life Mushrooms in his inventory. SMF has lost the battle.



“Ahem?” Porkman said, walking into the Museum.

“Um………… Hi?” Dan said.

“You know…… I’m going to need money for the damages you know?” Porkman said.

Nintendan Gulped. “And?”

“Well, I see a truckload of the Rare Nom Nom cereal right behind you.” Porkman said.

“NEVER!” Dan yelled.


Porkman’s stats.

HP – 70
Max ATK- 6
Max Def – 3
Def – 0
Lucky Rate – 1%

Dan rushes at Porkman. Porkman is lucky and Nintendan Misses.

Porkman is up.

Porkman uses Pork Punch on Dan. It’s super effective! 8 ATK is done to Dan reducing his HP to 0. Nintendan has lost all of his HP and has no Life Shrooms in Storage. Nintendan loses the battle. Porkman wins!


“Noooooo. My noms!” Dan said as he fell to the ground.

“You mean my noms, right Dan?” Porkman said with an evil grin.

Then suddenly Wasabi fell down from the sky. I forgot all about him.

“AGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!” Wasabi screamed as he hit the ground.

He looked up at Porkman.

Porkman just said. “You’re fired.”

Wasabi then just looked back down at the floor.

So no one got the cereal since technically Porkman sold them all somewhere. Darn.

Another Teaser for my next story! Wee!

*Radio Buzzing* Ze experiments have gone well. Most of ze test subjects have shown outstanding progress far ahead of expectations. Alas, there is one subject zat is.... Behaving erratically. He doesn't respond to most of ze commands and when he does, he clearly tries to fight zem. The reason for zis right now is unexplainable. He posseses such will power. Few other men have zis capability. Nonetheless he still haz ze physical Capability as the others do. But to be safe, let's just send out our other operatives instead for Act 231. Zis one..... Needs more work. However one thing is bothering me. Who is this SuperMarioFan he keeps rambling about? *Transmission ends*

idk how to even respond to this. 0_o