Six Million on Steam


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If ever proof was needed of the strength of PC gaming circa 2012, and in particular the appeal of Valve's Steam service, look no further than this: over the weekend, over six million people were playing PC games on Steam.

Sure, there's a big sale on, so people are buying games like there's no tomorrow, but there's also no single MASSIVE title like there was last year (see: Skyrim). Instead, as you can see, after DOTA 2—a game that's not even technically out yet—the list is pretty unremarkable.

It was only in January that Steam hit a then-high of five million concurrent users. To hit six within the same year shows just how popular the service is getting.


That's very impressive.
This is impressive. I guest more people are playing on Steam because most games don't cost 60-70 dollars like consoles, and they can play the games on a laptop, desktop, and other types of PC.

When Steam comes to Linux, there would be a lot more gamers on Steam because people no longer have to buy a version of Windows, Apple Mac, or any other operating system to play Steam games.

All they need is a modern PC, and a free copy of a Linux Operating system which they can download for free at and other Linux OS sites.