Sleeping with music playing in the background?


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Some people find it quite hard to sleep with any kind of noise in their room while some can sleep off very easily even with the loudest noise in the room.

As for me, I love it with calm songs playing in the background, it makes it easier for me to sleep. The song works like a lullaby for me in the night.

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Do you find it difficult to sleep with music playing in the room's background?
I got a whole bunch of soothing tracks that I listen to when I take a nap, otherwise I got like a fan white noise playing when I go to bed.
I can’t sleep unless it’s pretty much silent. Hate it when I can hear rain or anything from outside. So playing music wouldn’t work for me.
I use to do this when I was a teenager but I got in trouble for doing it. My mom said it wasn't good to listen to the radio while sleeping or it wasn't good for your brain (she caught me at some point when she came in to wake me for school).

My hubby has to have the fan on for the white noise it provides. Other than that, we don't listen to anything while we're sleeping.
I don't like wasting electricity or battery life on my tablet/smartphone while I sleep by leaving my music playing for 8 hours. I feel my radio/stereo or music player would break sooner if I leave it ON for about 8 hours everyday while I sleep.
I prefer to sleep when everywhere is silent. Sleeping with music on can be a huge distraction.
I don't like wasting electricity or battery life on my tablet/smartphone while I sleep by leaving my music playing for 8 hours. I feel my radio/stereo or music player would break sooner if I leave it ON for about 8 hours everyday while I sleep.
Once I have it connected to my home theater, the battery doesn't go down quickly.
I need white noise. I can't do the TV, music etc. I also can't do it without that white noise lol as I tend to be a light sleeper & wake with the slightest noise.
I need white noise. I can't do the TV, music etc. I also can't do it without that white noise lol as I tend to be a light sleeper & wake with the slightest noise.
My brother used to say that I sleep like a dog. Even when someone steps on the floor, I would pick up the noise and wake up. It can be very frustrating to be frank.
My brother used to say that I sleep like a dog. Even when someone steps on the floor, I would pick up the noise and wake up. It can be very frustrating to be frank.
I am that same way. Even with a loud white noise, I can wake up. I envy those who can sleep through anything!
I am that same way. Even with a loud white noise, I can wake up. I envy those who can sleep through anything!
There's this my guy that his own annoys me so much. We would even be talking and before you know it, he's slept off and it takes me hours to sleep when I want.
There's this my guy that his own annoys me so much. We would even be talking and before you know it, he's slept off and it takes me hours to sleep when I want.
I know of people who do that as well! I have a friend you would be talking to & they even respond, then you look & they have nodded off. Even if it's a good conversation going lol
If the music isn't too loud and it's very soothing, I will enjoy sleeping with it. I have some cool songs on my Spotify playlist I listen to all the time when I go to bed.
I usually just turn on a random tv station, turn the volume down and fall asleep to that.