Slender: The Arrival

Ye glorious gods.
This is beautiful....

Great Scott that was a fast reply. But yeah, sooo good! Flashlight in hand and little camcorder that goes staticy! Also explains why you could zoom in and out in the original one; you were using a camcorder the whole time!
Slenderman : The movie.

Slenderman U

Slenderman : The sitcom TV show - Episode 2, A Wedding Gone To Waste.

Think about the potential!
I wonder if it still uses the Unity engine. I personally hope it doesn't. Never cared too much for it.
Oh, boy, a game where Skinny man chases you. But seriously, this game will likely resort to jump scares because it knows its audience.
still have yet to play the game im not much for horror games but my wife is interested in playing it which is weird because spiders terrify her and she is easily scared. Does anybody have a link for a place where i can download it with trust?
Oh, boy, a game where Skinny man chases you. But seriously, this game will likely resort to jump scares because it knows its audience.

Did you just insult Slenderman?
Never talk to me again.
I used to be afraid of Slenderman, but I'm not any more. I could play this game without jumping once. If I had a webcam, I would prove it.