Smartphone User laughed at for Climbing on Broadway Theatre Stage and Plugging His Device in a Fake


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Playbill has been tracking this story and aggregating fellow audience members’ reactions to the desperate smartphone user, who was reportedly heckled loudly when he plugged his device into the fake outlet.
“At ‘Hand to God’ tonight I saw on audience member climb onto the stage right before the show and plug his cell phone into a (fake) electrical outlet on the set. ON. THE. SET,” fumed attendee Chris York on his Facebook account after the show. “The crew had to stop the precook music, remove the cellphone, and make an announcement as to why you can’t do that. Truly. I am a quiet and reserved person and I took great joy in loudly heckling the idiot when he returned to take his phone back.”
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I wonder if this was fake, and secretly part of the show to keep people entertained before the show. Waiting for the show to begin at plays, or the movie can be boring sometimes.
It is too bad that this smartphone users did not charge his battery more at home, or carried one of those external battery power packs for charging phones. 
alakazam said:
Poor guy. He must have been really disappointed. Why would they have fake electrical outlets on the set? What purpose do they serve?
I agree, he probably was disappointed that the power outlet was non-functional, and he had to climb the set.

The power outlet makes the set look more real if the play is a story which took play in modern time where there was home electricity. The power outlet could also be part of the play where a character uses it to plug in an appliance like an Iron, hair straightener, or Vacuum during the play as part of the plot.

It is also possible that the play used a wall with a power outlet from an old house or building which will be tore down to build a new house or building.