So, anyone else want to be added to my friends list?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
I've added about half the active users here already, but I might as well go looking for more people to add now that I'm removing any inactive people from my friends list.

That leaves about 5 slots for people to be added. So if you want to play against me in Mario Kart 7 or get sent all the SwapNote stationary, here's my friend code:


So yeah, first five people who want to be added can be.
I might add you when you actually get the game, since I'm more after opponents. And Vince, does that mean you added me or what?
Yes, I did. lol I was doing that old 80's "call shotgun to obtain first spot" thing. I plan to pick up MK7 as soon as money warrants. Probably next month. The DS one with all the new maps and classic and 64 maps blew my mind.
I'm the last one LOL, I loooove Swapnote, and I want free stationary, I don't have MK7 though *Adding quickly*
Okay then, I'll add you. But that still leaves one more, since I don't add people until they have Mario Kart 7. Who wants to be that last person?
Add me if your down for some multiplayer.

I got

Kid Icarus: Uprising

Mario Tennis Open

Mario Kart 7


Paper Mario Sticker Star

LoZ OoT 3D

Star Fox 64 3D

Super Mario 3D Land

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Yeah, I'll add you poptarts.

Edit: That leaves a single slot, maybe more if I can find inactive people to remove.
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If you still have room Nin3DS im getting MK7 today when i get off work :)

Edit: I had to go to 3 stores to get MK7 lol sold out everywhere.
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If you still have room, I'd like to add you. We've played Mario Kart 7 before and I'll be acrive now since i got my internet back (\(^_^)/)
Hmm. You can add me if you want. Though I mostly play KI:U, I'll join a race with you if I see you playing or so.

If not, it is fine.