So apparently we need to fish


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It's come to my attention that we are reaching the maximum amount of memory we can use on our current hosting which is about 100GB of bandwidth for traffic. This plan has suited GF since the days we left our free hosting Jcink site (hmm 4 years now I think?) and now need to upgrade to a bigger bandwidth limit. So the issue is not the upgrading but why we need to upgrade.

Looking at the site Analytic reports between March 1st and April 1st we've gotten  24,279 page views equaling to 673 users and 2,317 sessions.

Which means we are drawing the traffic to the GF site but we aren't hooking them in joining the site to be active. We need ideas to draw people into becoming active.

At this time I believe we've done all we can and the only thing left is to hold video game torments which includes games like CoD, mario kart, smash bros, halo and ect.

So does anyone here know people with games they can hold tournaments on for GF?

That's a fair amount of bandwidth. 

Perhaps instead of trying to increase that, maybe it's time to try optimizing somehow? (To use less bandwidth per page load.) I mean IPB 3.x isn't exactly light on the load...

I mean for my own site, which uses MyBB, for March we had:
3,682 pageviews
984 sessions
197 users
2.85 GB of bandwidth used

Presuming you used 100 GB and all things when scaled hold constant... If we scaled ours up (multiplying them by 35 to get 100GB also) then we'd have:
128,870 pageviews
34,440 sessions
6895 users
turtlepower said:
I thought this topic was going to be about the sport, lol.
might as well be.

VirusZero said:

That's a fair amount of bandwidth. 

Perhaps instead of trying to increase that, maybe it's time to try optimizing somehow? (To use less bandwidth per page load.) I mean IPB 3.x isn't exactly light on the load...

I mean for my own site, which uses MyBB, for March we had:
3,682 pageviews
984 sessions
197 users
2.85 GB of bandwidth used

Presuming you used 100 GB and all things when scaled hold constant... If we scaled ours up (multiplying them by 35 to get 100GB also) then we'd have:
128,870 pageviews
34,440 sessions
6895 users
That's something to look into, but I've looked at this from my server side and it seems google analytic don't pull all data:

Another thing I need to look into is if people are hotlinking my hosted images.

But I must be pulling in some kind of traffic and in turn I need to get them to sign up.
Your website analytics look a lot better. Though they probably count all the bots where Google's probably doesn't. But I agree that you may want to enable any hotlink protection you have just to ensure that people aren't stealing your bandwidth. 

As for Tournaments idea, what was your plan on them? Like how would they be organized? 
Game tournaments could be an idea. How about game battles too? You know something along the lines up putting two similar games up against eachother to see who gains the most votes? Could entice some people to sign up and air their views. 

If some people are wary of signing up, you could perhaps think of a 'guest zone' or something where they could try before they buy kind of thing?