So, did anyone get that Facebook Inbox?


And here we are!
Full GL Member
"Facebook is recently becoming very overpopulated,there have been many members complaining that Facebook is becoming very slow. Records show that the reason is that there are many -active Facebook members and, on the other side, many new Facebook members.

We will be sending this message around to see if members are active or not. If you are active please send to at least 15 other users using Copy+ Paste to show that you are still active. *Those who do not send this message within 2 weeks will be deleted without hesitation to create more space.*

Send this message to all your friends and to show me that your still active and you will not be deleted.

Founder of Facebook,
Mark Zuckerberg . ."
To be honest, I might just wait for two weeks and do nothing. Because I really don't want a Facebook anymore and you don't have the option to delete it. So, they can do it for me!

Did you guys get this?
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I don't have a facebook. But I laugh. Anyways I kinda like what they're doing with the whole "Unactive people will be deleted thing". That's what we should do here. (Cuz there are a lot of members who join and don't even bother posting.)
Yeah, many people complain about that, though, I don't think that removing any members here prior to unactivity would make a difference to the speed. Maybe if there was more unactive people, then Nin3DS would have to erase some members, due to their "online records" if that's what they're called.
It's sad that there's that many stupid people in the world that Facebook is overpopulated...

No offence.
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I might have, but I'm too lazy to check. I really don't care.
It's fake. Just a bullshit chainletter going around. Ignore it and report it.
Yuppers, couldn't have said it better myself. Even if it were true, it would be very unprofessional and the company would look like a bunch of retards. The fact that it said you had to send it on to others instantly made me weary.

But I didn't get this anyways, this is the first I've seen of it.
Anything that contains "omg send dis to leik 5 of ur frendz" is fake.
This is also true for this one message I got, where it said "Send this to 15 of your friends in the next 15 minutes or else you will get raped by a faceless girl when you go to bed tonight". Guess what happened? I lay there in bed, naked, waiting patiently... and the faceless girl never showed her face. HAHA. GET IT? NEVER SHOWED HER FACE? OH MY GAWD I'M PRICELESS. Seriously though, am I just so ugly that even faceless girls don't want to rape me?
This is also true for this one message I got, where it said "Send this to 15 of your friends in the next 15 minutes or else you will get raped by a faceless girl when you go to bed tonight". Guess what happened? I lay there in bed, naked, waiting patiently... and the faceless girl never showed her face. HAHA. GET IT? NEVER SHOWED HER FACE? OH MY GAWD I'M PRICELESS. Seriously though, am I just so ugly that even faceless girls don't want to rape me?

I'm sure you're... Not that ugly, the faceless girl probably had a hard time trying to find your door.
This is also true for this one message I got, where it said "Send this to 15 of your friends in the next 15 minutes or else you will get raped by a faceless girl when you go to bed tonight". Guess what happened? I lay there in bed, naked, waiting patiently... and the faceless girl never showed her face. HAHA. GET IT? NEVER SHOWED HER FACE? OH MY GAWD I'M PRICELESS. Seriously though, am I just so ugly that even faceless girls don't want to rape me?
Give yourself a golden NintenDan.