So, has anyone here caught all the Pokemon from Black and White?


Gaming Latest Admin and Gaming Reinvented Owner
Full GL Member
Or all the Pokemon in the Isshu region, or even filled the whole Pokedex including those from other regions?

How difficult was it?
Or all the Pokemon in the Isshu region, or even filled the whole Pokedex including those from other regions?

How difficult was it?

Unova Region.

But no, I haven't gotten them all, there is a few version exclusives...and the legendaries are nicely hidden. It should be easier to get most of the forms however, as you are given a lucky egg in the story which helps you level up faster.
uhh, the games arent even out yet... >_>
uhh, the games arent even out yet... >_>

uhhh...yes, rethink that.

Here's a video of me playing it.

it's rommed on my ds with an english translation. Before you whine..I plan on buying it next month when it's released in America.
oh, ok, but meh, if guys wanna use roms, thats fine with me, i really dont care...
oh, ok, but meh, if guys wanna use roms, thats fine with me, i really dont care...

It's temporary, like I said...I'm buying it. Anyway..I was just answering Nin's question because I know it was directed at me.
Well, the game's not out here yet, but will I ever catch them all? Nope. Knowing my luck several exclusive Pokemon events for the games won't even be released here, so I won't get those, as well as not being bothered to catch them all... (I just catch it... or TRY to catch it... If there's no little Pokeball icon next to the Pokemon's stats.)
The game's also officially released in Japan, so if you know Japanese enough to be able to play the game or have a translation you could have a legit copy of the game already because of that. So it's possible some members here are playing the game.

Still, I guess no one here is the 100% completion sort?
The game's also officially released in Japan, so if you know Japanese enough to be able to play the game or have a translation you could have a legit copy of the game already because of that. So it's possible some members here are playing the game.

Still, I guess no one here is the 100% completion sort?

Well, I'd like to find em all...but I wanted to wait until I have the english release so that I would have something to do.