So, the whole 'Hatred' fiasco...


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You know, that whole ultra violent/dark game that got banned from Steam for a while...

What do you think of it? Is the game too grim or evil to be released, or are these negative reactions just a repeat of the whole Doom controversy in the 90s?

Personally... I'm not sure. On the one hand, it's not a game I'd ever want to play, because ultra violent and morbid games aren't somethng I care about.

On the other hand... the censorship stuff makes me worry that society is going down a very worrying road, and that we've got too many people who'd happily sign away their freedom to be feel 'safe' or 'superior'. It also worries me that cause it's publicising the game as a result of the outcry, which will just inspire more people to buy it, make games like it, etc.

What do you think?
Oh jeez... if I didn't have enough problems with cops and security people stopping me whenever I leave my house already, this game would tip that scale. the main character looks like me but not nearly as thin. :/ A lot like Jackie Estecado of The Darkness in the first game, actually (which I have been told I look like him in both games, btw).

Killing civilians and cops is nothing new. "GTA" and "Saints Row" have done it to death. The game looks fun to me since I love games where I can stab people through the face and do sick and twisted things like that (LOVED "Dishonoured" and "The Darkness" because of that).
Steam is a private company, they have the right to deny a game all they want. That said, this game is terrible to the max.?
I find the game distasteful (don't really care for any game that has gratuitous violence without a real reason for it, or at least a reason that I personally find worthwhile. Deciding "I hate everyone, kill everyone!" just isn't valid to me) and would not be interested in purchasing it, but it has a right to be distributed. However, if the people who made it decide to distribute it through other people's services, and those people decide they do not want to distribute it, that's within their rights. Just like it's in the rights of certain companies to decide they do not want to distribute or aid in distributing pornographic material. There's nothing stopping the game's developers from launching their own website to sell their game through, or finding another service to use.
If this BAN is about the two cops being killed lately OH WELL. tons of ppl get killed by the cops cuz most of them are trained to want to shoot, trained to keep there fingers ON the trigger not off of it. trained to KILL not wound or disable. fudge they killed that one guy who had a knife with like 20 shots. HE HAD A KNIFE SHOOT HIM IN THE KNEE CAP HE WAS NOT THAT CLOSE!

anyway.. besides that game is all a perspective, there is a 360 indie game that has two masked real ppl kinda  playing out there house invasion fantasy. vince said it best It has been DONE FOR A LONG TIME. every mobster game cops get killed sometimes pedestrians also..  most cinematic's with explosions in city's kills innocents.

I for one would love to get my stress out with a game like this. everyone in the world thinks they are better then someone else and they use faith, race, body mass or Class standing to get what they want or treat you how they want. so yes i vote let there be killing games HUMANS WHO KILL WILL KILL, it is USUALY a defect in the brain so they are going to kill no mater WHAT. no parent should buy this for anyone under 17 i still believe there is a chance it COULD warp a younger mind but it is more the fault of the parents at that time for letting them play it. THE GAMES ARE RATED M YOUR 12 Y/O IS NOT MATURE DUMB#@#.
If this BAN is about the two cops being killed lately OH WELL. tons of ppl get killed by the cops cuz most of them are trained to want to shoot, trained to keep there fingers ON the trigger not off of it. trained to KILL not wound or disable. fudge they killed that one guy who had a knife with like 20 shots. HE HAD A KNIFE SHOOT HIM IN THE KNEE CAP HE WAS NOT THAT CLOSE!

anyway.. besides that game is all a perspective, there is a 360 indie game that has two masked real ppl kinda  playing out there house invasion fantasy. vince said it best It has been DONE FOR A LONG TIME. every mobster game cops get killed sometimes pedestrians also..  most cinematic's with explosions in city's kills innocents.

I for one would love to get my stress out with a game like this. everyone in the world thinks they are better then someone else and they use faith, race, body mass or Class standing to get what they want or treat you how they want. so yes i vote let there be killing games HUMANS WHO KILL WILL KILL, it is USUALY a defect in the brain so they are going to kill no mater WHAT. no parent should buy this for anyone under 17 i still believe there is a chance it COULD warp a younger mind but it is more the fault of the parents at that time for letting them play it. THE GAMES ARE RATED M YOUR 12 Y/O IS NOT MATURE DUMB#@#.

It's my understanding that cops are trained to shoot until the suspect drops, for their and everyone else's safety. You don't fire once, then hope you got them good enough they don't leap at you with a knife, or fire their own weapon off. And I kind of find it unbelievable that anyone would train their law enforcement officers to keep their fingers on the triggers of their weapons- it's basic gun safety that you do not put a finger on the trigger of a loaded weapon unless you are actively going to shoot something, in case of misfire. I could see some cops being jumpy, but they aren't all running around waiving their side arms- that's just the media's perception these days because it gets them stories.

The original controversy that caused the game's pulling wasn't just about shooting law enforcement, although you can shoot them as well as military personnel in the game. It was mostly about the arbitrary and visceral, over the top dramatic violence in the game, where you run around killing anyone and everyone, man, woman or child, simply for existing because you're a psychopath. From what I've seen of it, there is no story- there is no real 'reason' to be killing people, there isn't someone you're really trying to save and no way to really justify it. It's just violence for violence's sake.

I don't understand it, and find it highly distasteful, but that's my personal opinion. I do however think it's one more thing that sheds bad media light on the gaming community, far worse then games like GTA. In games like that, you CAN be violent towards innocent civilians, but you don't HAVE to be. It's not something that's actively encouraged, although you are free to make your own choices. In Hatred, the entire purpose of the game is to murder as many people as you can- that's it. That's why people were so upset over it, and I think rightly so. Whether and why something like this really needs to exist is a conversation worth having.
I understand why it's controversial, but as people mention... it's kind of stress relief for some. To a degree, it could be said that this is the best possible example of 'escapism' in the history of fiction; take out others en masse with no regards to morality. Perhaps kind of perfect for anyone who would otherwise be tempted into actual criminal activity, since it could provide a safe escape for their darkest desires without them reaching the real world.

On another note... The Zelda fanbase arguably beat Hatred to the punch by a few months:

Yes, you can kill the innocents there too.
The original controversy that caused the game's pulling wasn't just about shooting law enforcement, although you can shoot them as well as military personnel in the game. It was mostly about the arbitrary and visceral, over the top dramatic violence in the game, where you run around killing anyone and everyone, man, woman or child, simply for existing because you're a psychopath. From what I've seen of it, there is no story- there is no real 'reason' to be killing people, there isn't someone you're really trying to save and no way to really justify it. It's just violence for violence's sake.

People had the same problems with Manhunt, Mortal Kombat, GTA1, Loaded, and so on. It is my belief that censoring violence is like censoring sex - it breeds it. People always want that which they cannot have and to do that which they cannot do. When you are surrounded by something it becomes mundane and uninteresting a concept. Censoring that concept gives it appeal to the masses.

As for the "no story"... I KIND OF agree there, but then again, I've only seen that one video Nin linked us to. That is a Teaser Trailer, which is to show gameplay and incite intrigue. Even though the gameplay looks fun to me, even I would be put off if there is no story. Even Johnen Vasquez's Johnny the Homicidal Maniac ended up having a pretty nice story arch that explained his otherwise senseless killing sprees.
And trying to censor this game makes it more popular. All this controversy has done is made a mediocre game into what could be a million seller due to people wanting to stick it to the 'man'.
I understand why it's controversial, but as people mention... it's kind of stress relief for some.  To a degree, it could be said that this is the best possible example of 'escapism' in the history of fiction; take out others en masse with no regards to morality.  Perhaps kind of perfect for anyone who would otherwise be tempted into actual criminal activity, since it could provide a safe escape for their darkest desires without them reaching the real world.

On another note... The Zelda fanbase arguably beat Hatred to the punch by a few months:

Yes, you can kill the innocents there too.

On some level it bothers me that people would play this game for stress relief.
I understand why it's controversial, but as people mention... it's kind of stress relief for some.  To a degree, it could be said that this is the best possible example of 'escapism' in the history of fiction; take out others en masse with no regards to morality.  Perhaps kind of perfect for anyone who would otherwise be tempted into actual criminal activity, since it could provide a safe escape for their darkest desires without them reaching the real world.

On another note... The Zelda fanbase arguably beat Hatred to the punch by a few months:

Yes, you can kill the innocents there too.

On some level it bothers me that people would play this game for stress relief.

You'd rather we go out and kill real people?

And trying to censor this game makes it more popular.  All this controversy has done is made a mediocre game into what could be a million seller due to people wanting to stick it to the 'man'.

Hence the expression "there is no such thing as bad publicity", eh? IAs I said before, it looks kinda fun and interesting to me, but it doesn't look like something I would rush out to pre-order. Graphically it looks like a PSX/PS1 game's character jumped out of a cutscene and into a PS2 game's world. Like Brunn said; it doesn't seem like there is much of a backstory for the game. I'd be more inclined to pick it up if it got a console release if there was a story that kept me guessing at the plot like The Darkness did.
I understand why it's controversial, but as people mention... it's kind of stress relief for some.  To a degree, it could be said that this is the best possible example of 'escapism' in the history of fiction; take out others en masse with no regards to morality.  Perhaps kind of perfect for anyone who would otherwise be tempted into actual criminal activity, since it could provide a safe escape for their darkest desires without them reaching the real world.

On another note... The Zelda fanbase arguably beat Hatred to the punch by a few months:

Yes, you can kill the innocents there too.

On some level it bothers me that people would play this game for stress relief.

You'd rather we go out and kill real people?

I think it's more of a question of why some people can't deal with stress without resorting to violence, physical or digital. I get frustrated and angry just as much as others, but have never had the urge to "go and kill something just to relax" in any way. Why are some people unable to calm down by say, reading a book, or watching a funny TV show? Why must games like this be necessary for the purposes of stress relief, and is it really okay that people to need to kill in real life or otherwise to calm down?
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I understand why it's controversial, but as people mention... it's kind of stress relief for some.  To a degree, it could be said that this is the best possible example of 'escapism' in the history of fiction; take out others en masse with no regards to morality.  Perhaps kind of perfect for anyone who would otherwise be tempted into actual criminal activity, since it could provide a safe escape for their darkest desires without them reaching the real world.

On another note... The Zelda fanbase arguably beat Hatred to the punch by a few months:

Yes, you can kill the innocents there too.

On some level it bothers me that people would play this game for stress relief.

You'd rather we go out and kill real people?

I think it's more of a question of why some people can't deal with stress without resorting to violence, physical or digital. I get frustrated and angry just as much as others, but have never had the urge to "go and kill something just to relax" in any way. Why are some people unable to calm down by say, reading a book, or watching a funny TV show? Why must games like this be necessary for the purposes of stress relief, and is it really okay that people to need to kill in real life or otherwise to calm down?

some of us were raised through violence. I grew up beaten by my father every day just because he had a bad day at work. I'm not going to go into details here, but that is the lesser of it. It taught me at an early age the only way to put a stop to some things was to hit them back. I have broken a lot of my posessions growing up. Controllers, games, consoles; you name it, and all out of anger. It took me many years of being out of that environment to finally stop doing that. I also openly admit to having a strong hatred for most humanity due to my past and trauma and society versus me. Yes, I try to be a nice guy and befriend everyone, but honestly, the images in my head toward some are very dark and morbid - far beyond anything that Hatred game could ever muster up for violence.

Then you have BS like "you can't hit women" in society's eyes - even when they beat on you every day. So, I turn to video games such as mortal kombat where i can grab a person and rip their head off since my GF can beat on me and i am supposed to sit there and take it. Can't jam my thumbs into someone's eye sockets in real life so I may as well do it in a game. If you look at it psychologically it is a 'fantasy' of sorts by definition. Some people have sexual fantasies and some have violent. The point is that whether it be bedroom cosplay or video games it is still an outlet to allow you to do what you know you shouldn't / can't in real life.

I could never stab a random stranger in the back in real life - the guilt would be too severe for me and i would never live it down. In a game like Saints Row 3, however, I enjoy jumping onto random pedestrians and slamming their faces into the sidewalk just for a laugh as I pass by. It is an outlet for the pent-up spite I have for every kid who picked on me, beat me up, and caused me ill growing up. I still deal with that crap in life from adults who never matured, so rather than kill them all i'll go home and play something violent that lets me enact the images in my head.
So this is still going eh?

Personally, I have to say that I think media should have no boundaries, games or otherwise. It's very worringly how 'freedom' has been replaced by 'safety' by a generation who seemingly wants to dictate what others and media can say, especially given how said generation were all too happy to defend similar content when under attack by right wing/religious lunatics in the days of Jack Thompson and co. But hey, as bad as this game likely is, it did prove two things:

1. How little has changed since the PS1 days:

2. How well the gaming community has been infiltrated by those who would happily seek to undermine it.
so why is xbox 360 has age 3 rating when none of the games are suitable for 3yrs old

There are a LOT of games for 360 for kids 4 and under. Sesame Street has a LOT of games - especially on the Kinect. Some are simply voice activated and others are simple movements and gestures such as clapping. Raithgar has been playing them with his daughter since she was about 6 months old (because at about 4 months old she had already learned to change the pages on the Xbox One so whenever he was playing a game she would laugh and scroll it over to yutube or hit the guide button on the 360 controller). She wasn't even a year old before she learned "Xbox: Off" and "Xbox: Youtube" and became a nightmare when my boss was working on a game. LOL
so why is xbox 360 has age 3 rating when none of the games are suitable for 3yrs old

There are a LOT of games for 360 for kids 4 and under. Sesame Street has a LOT of games - especially on the Kinect. Some are simply voice activated and others are simple movements and gestures such as clapping. Raithgar has been playing them with his daughter since she was about 6 months old (because at about 4 months old she had already learned to change the pages on the Xbox One so whenever he was playing a game she would laugh and scroll it over to yutube or hit the guide button on the 360 controller). She wasn't even a year old before she learned "Xbox: Off" and "Xbox: Youtube" and became a nightmare when my boss was working on a game. LOL

Hah! That's adorable- and quite annoying I'm sure! I've never been fond of voice controlled systems of any sort, but I never thought about how obnoxious it could be with small children in the house.