So, thoughts on the infamous Doom review?


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In case you missed it, a few 'infamous' clips from it. Obviously with a quick warning for blood and violence, since this is Doom 4 we're talking about:

Apparently, the person playing couldn't figure out how to move and shoot at the same time, and comes across as rather unskilled at playing FPS games.

This... has led to an interesting controversy. Basically, people are wondering why so called 'gaming journalists' can't actually play video games very well. It's been discussed in a few articles:

Notch (Minecraft creator) commented on it on Twitter:

And really, it's become quite the firestorm online.

Personally? I'm... well, I'm not the best at playing games, but I like to think I could play Doom 4 better than this guy or girl. And as someone who's seen a lot of critics attempt to play video games, I'm disappointed how many seem woefully incompetent at them. I mean, most aren't that difficult, and even so, you should at least get fans of different genres to review their favourite types of games. I'm not a sports fan, so guess what? You're not going to see me attempt to 'review' FIFA.

But what do you think? Should gaming journalists be good at playing video games?
You'd think they'd have someone competent at the game play it if they planned on publishing a video.