Solar Roadways


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My problem with this,

1. it will kill a lot of snow jobs that people depend on. Plus if those fail half way into melting it will only cause ice and won't help during big storms.

2. if hackers get into the system people are screwed.
I wonder if having too many solar road ways can cause the problem of too much electricity which may fry power cables, and cause power surges.

It would probably cost more money to replace roads with solar panels than occasionally fixing holes, and replacing very old roads when they are so damage they can't be repaired.

Plus, the Japanese are already planning to use the moon to generate power for the earth, so we could end up with too much power when everyone is making electricity because they can.

A Japanese construction firm is proposing to solve the well-documented energy problems facing Japan - and ultimately the entire planet - by turning the moon into a colossal solar power plant.
Tokyo-based Shimizu Corp. wants to lay a belt of solar panels 250 miles wide around the equator of our orbiting neighbour and then relay the constant supply of energy to “receiving stations” on Earth by way of lasers or microwave transmission.
The “Luna Ring” that is being proposed would be capable of sending 13,000 terawatts of power to Earth. Throughout the whole of 2011, it points out, the United States only generated 4,100 terawatts of power.

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At this point solar panel technology is not that advanced. Meaning we only capture a tiny percent of the light that hits the panels. If in the future we manage to drop the costs a lot and capture more energy I can see how roads could turn solar (or part of them, enough to power the locations they pass through). And again, what would we do with all that excess energy?