Someone massively censors Bravely Second


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I would say Nintendo or Square Enix, but I don't know who's responsible. But either way, apparently whole plotlines have been removed from the English version of the game.

Like literally:™-uncensored.391715/page-28

Apparently, the ability to get a bad ending was removed from certain sidequests. As in, you always get the best possible outcome now, because apparently any real choice is seen as 'offensive'.

That's just... wow. That's about as messed up as you can get.

But what do you think?
Sad... I feel really sad. Game sare already pretty expensive and now it turns that we won't even be getting the full experience, the way we should, the way the game was intended, those bad endings and events were added for a reason. I was hoping to get this game even with the suits censored and stuff.

Now I really think the only way to voice our discontent is to vote with our wallets. If doing this changes hurt their sales instead of boosting them maybe they'd reconsider.

It is also sad just how much of an impact the latest movements have done.