Something I don't think people get about bugs/glitches in video games...


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Put simply:

The more ambitious the game = the more bugs it'll likely have

It's easy to complain about things like patches and downloadable content allowing for buggy games to be released early, but part of why so many games around now are so glitchy is simply because they've got an absolute ton of content that had to be tested.

Look at something like the Elder Scrolls Skyrim or Asssassin's Creed... it's very hard to test such a game properly and have it out within a few years or so. Or any sandbox game like GTA. Heck, even Luigi's Mansion 2 must have been pretty hard to test, the game's got a lot of environments packed with random objects that can each be interacted with and have different types of collision detection.

So yes, I think people complaining about how buggy modern games are should keep that in mind a bit. Maybe also that older and similarly ambitious games (The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Red and Blue, Super Mario 64) were also filled with a similar amount of issues.
I've always found it kind of disrespectful that people accuse Nintendo's team of not properly bug checking their games, like they have with Mario Kart 7. A lot of the game breaking bugs that allow cheating online in MK7 were caused by glitches you had to go out of your way to trigger, and would have purposefully had to search for. One required you to come to a full stop, turn around, drive the wrong way back down a course, and drive off a cliff into a pool of water, at the perfect angle to trigger a glitch that put you ahead on the course. How do you even figure that out?

I think the only thing Nintendo could be blamed for on glitches like that is underestimating the ridiculous amount of time people will spend repeatedly driving off cliffs or flying off the course, over and over, just to cheat a little. And honestly, I'd rather have a little bit of cheating for a month or two and an eventual patch, then the game being delayed for months so the testers can drive off cliffs repeatedly until they happen to come across bugs that you shouldn't even encounter (Or only extremely rarely) during normal game play.

Of course that doesn't apply to games that are so glitchy they can't be played, but I haven't ever encountered one of those from any of the fairly large producers. The worst I've had for a while was Skyrim on the PC, and the variables for testing those are so massive you can't even really blame them for their being bugs. Well, and the new SimCity, but the glitch there was EA.
Well, for people ...seeing a bug in a video game is not a common thing.
So....they kinda tend to make a big deal out of it.