Other Sonic Team Open To More Characters From Comic Series Appearing In Games


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The Sonic video game series has introduced all sorts of iconic characters over the years, but there's even more featured in the official IDW comic series.

Speaking to Sonic Stadium recently, Sonic Team head Takashi Iizuka was asked if any of these other Sonic characters could one day appear in the games. His response was "hopefully there's a good chance" as he works closely with IDW on the designs and some are already in certain mobile games.

Here's exactly what he had to say:

Takashi Iizuka: "I do work closely with the team at IDW when they’re making their new characters, and really making sure we’re having lots of fun in making really good characters. And I know in the mobile games we have released or will release the IDW characters. So as far as the potential future of IDW characters appearing in games, hopefully there’s a good chance."

Characters like Tangle the Lemur and Whisper the Wolf have previously appeared in mobile games like Sonic Dash.
Sonic characters have unique designs. So I expect nothing but more of them since it feels like every few years they add another. Not that I have been reading them. However, there are some great designs.