PS5 Sony’s CFO insists AAA game quality ‘will deteriorate’ if it adopts Game Pass-style strategy


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Read from VGC:

“AAA titles on PlayStation 5, if we distribute them on the subscription service we may need to shrink the investment needed for that. That will deteriorate the first-party title quality and that is our concern,” Totoki said (transcribed by VGC).

“So we want to make sure we spend the appropriate development costs to have solid products and titles to be introduced in the right manner.”

“We feel if we were to do that with the games that we make at PlayStation Studios, that virtuous cycle will be broken. The level of investment that we need to make in our studios would not be possible, and we think the knock-on effect on the quality of the games that we make would not be something that gamers want.”
Are they saying its quality is good in the first place? :rofl:
lol they should spend more money to increase the PLOT quality of the games too, make them go "boink boink" more lol
Are they saying its quality is good in the first place? :rofl:
To be fair to them, the majority of the PlayStation exclusives are pretty good. There are a few that are a bit dodgy but they've had some big hits recently.
I thought Game Pass was for preexisting games too. So saying the quality will shrink is like saying the quantity will make it shrink, but there are things to be said on a player's preferred genre that might not always be supported to fit the people who have completed preexisting said genre in said library.
I wonder if Sony will give a Game Pass style subscription a try if it works out well for Microsoft and other companies in the long run.
I wonder if Sony will give a Game Pass style subscription a try if it works out well for Microsoft and other companies in the long run.
It's called PlayStation Now, they've been running it for a while but it's nowhere near the level of the Game Pass. They are currently changing it up though so we'll have to wait and see
First Party games was what sold me for Game Pass, it's nice having PS1-PS4 games on the service. But I won't be as interested in it as Game Pass simply because I only get old games.