Sony Accidentally Loses List Of PS4 Contest Winners


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Late last year in Japan, Sony held a pretty neat contest—people who bought a PS3, a PS4, a Vita, or a Vita TV between December 4 and January 15 could get a calendar with a special code that gave them a chance to snag one of those limited-edition 20th-anniversary PS4s, the ones that have been driving Sony fans wild for the past few months.

Today, the company behind PlayStation announced that they've accidentally erased all the information they collected from contestants, and that none of it can be recovered. Whoops.
"Our deepest apologies for the trouble we have caused to those who entered the previous campaign," Sony wrote on their website, as translated by Kotaku's Toshi Nakamura.

Though Sony didn't say just how they mysteriously lost this database of contestants, they are giving Japanese PlayStation buyers the opportunity to re-enter by re-sending all of their information (from hardware serial number to home address) via forms on their website. Second time's a charm!

their bad.
This stinks, I imagine some people will be very upset that they need to wait again for the second contest to take place, and they need to re-enter the contest again.

I think, if they used a machine to randomly pick a paper entry card, or they just threw all the paper entry card onto the floor, and pick a few random ones, this problem won't happen.

The local fair which happens once a year where I live sell lottery tickets where you can win a house, car, and other prizes, and they just tell people to print their name, address, and phone number onto the ticket with a pen, so they can randomly pick a winner by putting their hand into the many boxes with lottery tickets in them.