PlayStation Sony considered creating a lower specification, cheaper PlayStation 5


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Read from pushsquare:

Sony considered creating a lower specification, cheaper PlayStation 5 – but ultimately decided against it because the company recognised that “low-priced, reduced spec” consoles have “not had great results in the past”. The Xbox Series S represents the first time a manufacturer has launched a significantly less powerful next-gen console alongside a stronger one, although there have been cheap and cheerful hardware revisions, like the PSP E-1000 or the Wii Mini, for example.

Speaking with Japanese website AV Watch, as translated by VGC, boss Jim Ryan said the following: “The first thing I would like to say is that I respect every competitor’s decision and their philosophies. Clearly, price is a very important factor. We respect other companies’ competitive strategies. However, we are fully committed to and believe in our current strategy and the effect it will have.”

He continued: “One thing that can be said is that if you look at the history of the game business, creating a special low priced, reduced spec console is something that has not had great results in the past. We’ve considered that option and seen other executives who have attempted this discover how problematic it is. Based on our research, it’s clear that people who buy a game console want to continue using it for four, five, six or even seven years. They want to believe they have bought something that is future-proofed and not going to be outdated in two-to-three years.”
The price point for the digital edition is great, to be honest and it doesn't remove/reduce any of the specs from the main PS5. A lower spec PS5 would have been awful really especially considering how awful PS Now is
A cheaper slower PS5 maybe popular in countries where many people have less money to spend on $400 to $500 game consoles.
Throwing some burn at MS for that one. I'm glad they didn't, I'm sure all the xbox game makers fear having to configure their games for two different consoles.
And I'm sure there are kids out there fearing that their parents are going to end up buying the wrong one as presents
Throwing some burn at MS for that one. I'm glad they didn't, I'm sure all the xbox game makers fear having to configure their games for two different consoles.

I think some of the game companies who make less CPU and Graphics intensive games like Minecraft and 2D games may not have many problems making their game run on a slower console and a faster console.

Smaller game companies which make simpler 2D games may sell a lot of games to Xbox Series S gamers when the Xbox Series S cost $199 in many years. A $199 comsole can attract more buyers from users who want a more powerful console than a Google Chromecast, Roku or Apple TV to use for watching Netflix, and playing digital games.
Add in all the covid madness and the retail workers deserve a massive bonus this Christmas.
Other than in-store discounts, I don't think they get much really especially in terms of these gaming stores. They don't treat their employees that well.