Sony is delusional; thinks Vita is best handheld console...


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From an IGN interview:

I believe that Vita is the best handheld gaming experience, full stop, period. Nothing comes close to that. You can talk about your mobile, you can talk about your tablet, you can talk about, you know, Nintendo platforms or what have you in the handheld space. I think, pound-for-pound, buck-for-buck, Vita is the best gaming experience you can have.

As mentioned by Sony Computer Entertainment President Shawn Layden.

So yeah...

No offence, but I think he (and Sony) are absolutely deluded. I mean, the 3DS is absolutely trouncing the Vita in every sense, and to be honest... so are most non gaming handheld devices too. And do you know why it's happening?

Because about 50 million people think you're wrong and only about 5 million think you're right. Perhaps you should go out and ask what people want in a handheld games system, or something.

Anyone agree?

Pretty sure he had to say that since, y'know, he's the President of SCE.
He can't be like, "Oh yeah, the 3DS is beating us in every category and it's way better than the Vita, so... Go buy a 3DS."

Come on, now.
I love my Vita, I really do. It's a great console, that has sadly not gotten the variety and number of solid games it should have. But yes, they're deluded if they're trying to make that argument, just like I feel that Nintendo's grasping at straws a bit when they claim that the Wii U is a better value then an Xbone or PS4. Everyone always tosses these weird arguments out there this time of year, I guess hoping that no one does their research when they make holiday purchases? Just holiday PR silliness!
I love my Vita, I really do. It's a great console, that has sadly not gotten the variety and number of solid games it should have. But yes, they're deluded if they're trying to make that argument, just like I feel that Nintendo's grasping at straws a bit when they claim that the Wii U is a better value then an Xbone or PS4. Everyone always tosses these weird arguments out there this time of year, I guess hoping that no one does their research when they make holiday purchases? Just holiday PR silliness!

:yeahthat: I agree with Brunn for the most part, as I adore my Vita and the ONLY set-back to it is the lack of games for it. The Vita has MANY MORE qualities over the 3DS. For example, I don't hear anyone saying 'i can output my bayonetta 2 from my Wii U onto my 3DS screen to play it on my 3DS so my parents can use the TV to watch things", do you? The 3D aspect of the 3DS is nice but usually very clunky and very limited - especially when in a 1st-party game like Pokemon X (which has NO reason being so limited since Fantasy Life is fully 3D and much longer and with a lot more data involved due to graphics). but yes, the Vita IS, in fact, a far TECHNICALLY (as in technology-wise) superior handheld to anything else both capability and hardware-wise. It is essentially a micro PS3 that is more Android / PC-like.
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I wonder what he'll say when he gets the nvidia gaming tablet. But I would say they both Jane there strength but as much as I love my 3ds the only thing that puts me of is the factthat for the people that have the original and not getting the new one there is no second stick no C stick no nothing. I'm going with the vita with this one.
I love my Vita, I really do. It's a great console, that has sadly not gotten the variety and number of solid games it should have. But yes, they're deluded if they're trying to make that argument, just like I feel that Nintendo's grasping at straws a bit when they claim that the Wii U is a better value then an Xbone or PS4. Everyone always tosses these weird arguments out there this time of year, I guess hoping that no one does their research when they make holiday purchases? Just holiday PR silliness!

:yeahthat: I agree with Brunn for the most part, as I adore my Vita and the ONLY set-back to it is the lack of games for it. The Vita has MANY MORE qualities over the 3DS. For example, I don't hear anyone saying 'i can output my bayonetta 2 from my Wii U onto my 3DS screen to play it on my 3DS so my parents can use the TV to watch things", do you? The 3D aspect of the 3DS is nice but usually very clunky and very limited - especially when in a 1st-party game like Pokemon X (which has NO reason being so limited since Fantasy Life is fully 3D and much longer and with a lot more data involved due to graphics). but yes, the Vita IS, in fact, a far TECHNICALLY (as in technology-wise) superior handheld to anything else both capability and hardware-wise. It is essentially a micro PS3 that is more Android / PC-like.

They don't say that because they can already do that with the gamepad...

I do like my Vita though. The game selection is rather limited, but the handheld itself is very nice and I wish Nintendo would try tocompete with some nicer hardware.