Apparently they filed some patent on technology that checks whether a game is being played on a certain console and makes it not work if it isn't:
But am I the only one who thinks this is business (and legal) suicide?
For one thing, GameStop is pretty annoyed about the whole thing, and if they decide to stop stocking games and consoles for Sony's next system, that could have a pretty big impact. Same with a lot of retailers.
I also distinctly remember a legal precedent in Europe that consumers must be able to resell even digital copies of products. What happens if the PS4 gets released there and someone takes them to court over it?
And how about the other console makers? All it'd take is Microsoft not to implement this technology, and Sony is basically doomed. Because if anyone boycott's Sony's next console, then they can easily just buy Nintendo or maybe Microsoft's one and have much the same games and experience.
Heck, isn't this basically an open invitation for hackers to try and hack the system as quickly as possible? Because if they hate region locking, they'd definitely hate this.
What do you think? Is this whole thing incredibly shortsighted on Sony's part?
But am I the only one who thinks this is business (and legal) suicide?
For one thing, GameStop is pretty annoyed about the whole thing, and if they decide to stop stocking games and consoles for Sony's next system, that could have a pretty big impact. Same with a lot of retailers.
I also distinctly remember a legal precedent in Europe that consumers must be able to resell even digital copies of products. What happens if the PS4 gets released there and someone takes them to court over it?
And how about the other console makers? All it'd take is Microsoft not to implement this technology, and Sony is basically doomed. Because if anyone boycott's Sony's next console, then they can easily just buy Nintendo or maybe Microsoft's one and have much the same games and experience.
Heck, isn't this basically an open invitation for hackers to try and hack the system as quickly as possible? Because if they hate region locking, they'd definitely hate this.
What do you think? Is this whole thing incredibly shortsighted on Sony's part?