South Park: The Stick of Truth


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Really well developed game which I have just recently completed. Anyone else had a go with it? Loved the mechanics in general but its the South Park humour that really makes it a good game.
I think I'll get this one day, maybe a future free PSN+ game?
As a fan of South Park, I enjoyed this game so freakin' much. Not only was it a faithful adaptation of the show, but it was just a darn good game too. I think that it absolutely nailed everything it set out to do, and I couldn't imagine a more perfect South Park game.

Yes, that does mean that I don't think The Fractured But Whole was better. While it was generally on par with The Stick of Truth, some of the new gameplay mechanics (the combat system in particular) were a bit of a letdown. I know they were trying something new, and I commend them for that, but it was a bit of a miss in my opinion. Still a good game, but The Stick of Truth is definitely the superior title in the series.
Yes, that does mean that I don't think The Fractured But Whole was better. While it was generally on par with The Stick of Truth, some of the new gameplay mechanics (the combat system in particular) were a bit of a letdown.
I think that is the general consensus too. There was a lot of talk about Stick of Truth post launch, but I saw almost nothing for The Fractured But Whole.