South Park: The Stick of Truth


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At its press conference today, Microsoft showed footage from THQ’s upcoming South Park game. While the title has been circulating for a while, the press conference once again confirmed that the game is called South Park: The Stick of Truth.
A trailer showed multiple famous South Park buildings being destroyed, referred to “vampires and hippies” and introduced a new kid who moves to South Park.

Several South Park characters were shown including Jesus, Butters and "you." Gamers will get to create their own custom character, and part of The Stick of Truth revolves around you trying to become the 5th member of the crew. The game looked exactly like an episode of the show, and creators Trey Parker & Matt Stone said they've been working in close collaboration with Obsidian for nearly two years on the project.

The duo also revealed that they have never had to think about the town's geography when making the show, so Stick of Truth has forced them to actually lay out their version of South Park for the first time.

THQ also revealed special content packs through a press release, which will give you special weapons and costumes when you pre-order. Also, the first three pieces of downloadable content will be available on Xbox 360 first, and will serve as standalone quests that have unique stories and take you to new areas within South Park's world. Kinect support will allow you to taunt enemies and initiate attacks with voice commands. If you call Cartman a "fat ass," he will let you know he's not happy about it.

The game will be released on March 5, 2013.

This is going to be such a nice game, friends of me are going to buy it when it's released, I think I'm going to buy it too, it's like a RPG right? That'll be awesome with southpark characters, hopefully also missions like smugling and such would be awesome.
I don't think so, RPG on a WII, that's not really nice? RPG is nice on a pc, maybe on ps3 and xbox but not on a WII, well that's my opinion.
I want to believe this will be a good or at least interesting game, but my faith is fairly lacking in that hope coming to fruition. That and I think I might have kind of out grown Southpark. I mean I used to love the show, but it's become almost a parody of it's self now and it just isn't much fun anymore. I don't know maybe I'll play one of my friend's copies and find that I love it, but this isn't likely to be something I end up buying.
Show/Movie game adaptations are mostly...bad with some exceptions like Golden Eye 64 and Most Resident Evil's but I do hope that they will join onto a list of good show-game adaptations.

Also for what its worth I did like their little speech they gave at the E3 presentation.
Show/Movie game adaptations are mostly...bad with some exceptions like Golden Eye 64 and Most Resident Evil's but I do hope that they will join onto a list of good show-game adaptations.

Also for what its worth I did like their little speech they gave at the E3 presentation.

I think Resident Evil was a game before making it to the screens 0.o But i do agree that most movie-game/game-movie adaptations are just plain failures.
I'm not too sure about this one, it seems pretty hilarious but I don't know if it'll make that great of a game. I'm looking forward to seeing more more gameplay though, to see what it's like =]
I have been a fan of south park for a long time now, and I want this game to be good but I have my doubts.

I can't really think of any other games that are south park related that where any good so you could see why I am hesitant. For now, I'm just going to take the wait and see attitude and not make any judgements until the game comes out so that I can actually play it.