South Park


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Does anyone else like to watch South Park? I found it hilarious at times, but the modern seasons are getting stale.
I used to like it, but I haven't watched since they botched that season with the 2016 election. Every election year they make an episode with two different scenarios and whoever wins the election is the one they release. However, they were so sure Hilary Clinton was going to win that they didn't bother making one for if Trump won so they had to make a rushed crappy episode. I miss when South Park beat down everyone and every thing. That year they had a clear favorite and it showed and it just dragged down the whole thing for me.

That said, I'll absolutely go back and watch older episodes if I catch them on.
I used to like it, but I haven't watched since they botched that season with the 2016 election. Every election year they make an episode with two different scenarios and whoever wins the election is the one they release. However, they were so sure Hilary Clinton was going to win that they didn't bother making one for if Trump won so they had to make a rushed crappy episode. I miss when South Park beat down everyone and every thing. That year they had a clear favorite and it showed and it just dragged down the whole thing for me.

That said, I'll absolutely go back and watch older episodes if I catch them on.
Tbh they only made two presidential episodes, and they didn’t make two outcomes for Obama vs McCain, so you should have dropped the show when that season came out.

They got lucky the first time, and didn’t get lucky the second time. People assumed they made two the first time when they got the president right, but it wasn’t what happened.
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Never watched it. Heard about it from friends when I was in high school. I've seen that dumbed-down South Park parody on Arthur. That's about it.
My favourite show of all time and I still watch regularly. They've definitely made a few mistakes over recent years but generally the quality is still very high.