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So, has anyone seen the new James Bond movie that was released just a few days ago? And if so, what do you think of it?

I haven't seen it yet, but I do plan to go and see it fairly soon, so a few opinions on the film would be useful about now.
I am so hyped for it. I am planning to watch it in a few weeks.
If you watch it first, let me know what you thought of it. XD
I've heard mixed things about this, with friends putting it around the middle in terms of rankings for the current bond films. I'll probably see it eventually but I don't see myself going to the theatres for it.
Yeah I mean, it takes a bit of time and a step back to really accurately gauge any movie coming with a lot of hype. My roommate saw it and said it was a mostly good time so dunno might go check it out with some of my friends soon.
Yeah I mean, it takes a bit of time and a step back to really accurately gauge any movie coming with a lot of hype. My roommate saw it and said it was a mostly good time so dunno might go check it out with some of my friends soon.

good or bad, its a movie that can only be seen in the theaters.
Was going to go see it but I just forgot. I really want to see it as I loved Skyfall and hopefully this will be as good.