Spoiler Alert


Tiger21820: Inappropriate custom title
Full GL Member
Just post a spoiler.

Ravio is Lorule's version of Link
the Titanic sinks at the end of the movie
Spoilers the old school way. The only problem is that I can't see what I'm typing unless I do what you just did.
Infinite spoiler!!!
I lied.
If you read this then you win.
[flipvertical]YOU LOSE![/flipvertical]
My charger/cradle works???
I am the King of Spoilers!My pokemon battle videos with me facing Smoke. X8(9-Ws)3KY7Q 3S4(8-Ws)339BL
:banana: Banana anyone?
This post took me a long time to make so you better give up now.
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♫ I am what I am. ♫

♫What I am is a man. ♫

♫So is Lola.♫

Just look it up.
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