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Has anyone partaken in this? This current weekend was the first time I ever tried it and it's incredibly stressful lol.
Nah, seems too complicated for me.
We see ads all the time. While we play the lotto & lottery every so often, we don't gamble like this. Who knows if they are legit. I think of them like any other gambling arena like casinos. They are rigged. They give just enough payouts to keep people coming but not to lose a huge profit.
I have in the past taken part in some sports betting but nothing too serious and I usually make it a one-off if I can and will stop if I get a win or no win.

I can never understand why people get themselves addicted to betting or gambling, most do not always have the willpower and that should be a huge red flag to start.
No, I don't bet on any kind of sports. Betting and gambling is addictive like drugs. If you get hooked, it will be difficult to stop.
I tried it out before, but I said never again. Seeing your hard earned money from work go away is just .... a waste? haha
I tried it out before, but I said never again. Seeing your hard earned money from work go away is just .... a waste? haha
Yes, it's how I felt that wasn't worth it. It doesn't make any sense to put your money into what you can't control.
Betting and gambling isn't worth it. Your money will be lost even before you realize it.

Only if you have self control. I did a weekend of betting on the NFL during the playoffs and havent done it since.